Clayfeet – Evolve

Official music video 'Envolve' by synth based altern­at­ive pop duo 'Clayfeet'.


Start on square one
Wake up you are fine
Just anoth­er false alarm

The sweetest cutest voice
You believed
No sur­prise it lead
To the worst pos­sible choice

I obey I behave I'm tense
I do what I am told
But I made up my mind
And I evolve

I was the one who was stuck in the past
I see my memor­ies clear and bold
But I made up my mind
And I evolve

Needful memor­ies
sit­ting on your shelf
watch­ing your world
dead frozen into glass

Left right back down and uphill
A false step was made
It makes me feel so strange
Cause you are stand­ing still

I obey I behave I'm tense
I do what I am told
But I made up my mind
And I evolve

I was the one who was stuck in the past
I see my memor­ies clear and bold
But I made up my mind
And I evolve

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