Cromwell – Slow Down

A nostalgic trip with rough edges

Cromwell - Slow DownIn a music­al mesh of synth pop and elec­tro rock, Cromwell from Belgium serves up ‘Slow Down’, a relaxed track that cel­eb­rates the nineties and at the same time breaks with famil­i­ar rock ele­ments. The song ini­tially stumbles over its own instru­ment­a­tion: the dom­in­ant drum and gui­tar parts might irrit­ate lov­ers of purely elec­tron­ic sounds (myself included). But it is pre­cisely these unex­pec­ted rock influ­ences that give the track a rough­er tex­ture that sets it apart from typ­ic­al synth pop com­pos­i­tions. However, I have to be hon­est here and say that such a ‘rock touch’ is the excep­tion here on Electrozombies.

Cromwell's vocals in par­tic­u­lar impress with their pleas­ant ton­al­ity, which cre­ates a warm, almost mel­an­chol­ic mood. The nos­tal­gic touch of the 90s is emphas­ised by well-placed syn­thes­izers, even if they could have been a little more prom­in­ent. The lyr­ics reflect a deep long­ing and self-reflec­tion, cap­tured in lines such as "More like a creature in the dark, look­ing for a trace lead­ing to the light".

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Cromwell – Slow Down" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Cromwell – Slow Down"

You slow down You slow down
You can’t deny
Cause you wander where you’re going
Cause you wander where you’ve been,
Can’t stop the feel­ing when you are walk­ing in

More like stranger in an
empty world
With empty words
And empty minds

More like a creature
In the dark
Looking for a trace
Leading to the light

Whenever things get real
Whatever you could feel
I feel it a 1000 times – more than you do

All right
All right
It’s life that shaped me

All right (it’s alright)
All right
That life will break you!

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