Curse Mackey – Smoking Tongues

Official music video 'Smoking Tongues' per­formed by 'Curse Mackey' taken from the album 'Immoral Emporium'.

Listen to 'Curse Mackey – Smoking Tongues' on Spotify

Listen to 'Curse Mackey – Smoking Tongues' on Bandcamp

Lyrics for 'Curse Mackey – Smoking Tongues'

I Dreamed the words that drif­ted from your mouth
so deep and I dreamed and I dreamed
Under high­way arches sleepwalking
Don’t take these scenes to tragically

A burn­ing bou­quet of flowers
Cast against the fact­ory walls
I am far from sure about our future
Believe these words

Mad love cor­res­ponds to your own delirium
Drunk on the mys­tery behind of your eyes

Obstructions and obsessions
Attraction to attention
Far bey­ond the confusion
of smoking tongues

I’m reel­ing from how your feeling
Hanging off the ceiling
Growing inside feel lit everyday
Time slips away

Mad love cor­res­ponds to your own delirium
Drunk on the mys­tery behind of your eyes
Mad love cor­res­ponds to your own delirium
The mad­ness at the core of our hysteria

From con­fes­sion to confession
Our scars like constellations
Far bey­ond the seduc­tion of smoking tongues
You got the feel­ing that your sinking
From the pois­on that your drinking
Growing inside feel lit everyday
Time slips away

Mad love cor­res­ponds to your own delirium
Drunk on the mys­tery behind of your eyes
Mad love cor­res­ponds to your own delirium
The mad­ness at the core of our hysteria

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