Elektrik Skin – If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)

Elektrik Skin - If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker) (Cover artwork)Official music video "If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)" per­formed by "Elektrik Skin". Directed by Elena K. Richtsfeld. "Elektrik Skin", the Austrian synth pop duo, deliv­ers a song with "If You Want" that not only evokes nos­tal­gia, but also cap­tures the present with a refresh­ing mel­an­choly. The col­lab­or­a­tion with Robson Darker gives the track added depth. BTW: "If You Want" is not a cov­er ver­sion of the Depeche Mode song of the same name from the album "Some Great Reward".

The mood of the song is a suc­cess­ful mix­ture of mel­an­choly and naiv­ety. The melod­ies remind me of the days when bands were dis­covered through com­pil­a­tions – an era that seems almost for­got­ten in today's digit­al music land­scape. "If You Want" brings this era back into my con­scious­ness without seem­ing outdated.

The com­par­is­on with bands such as Statemachine, Children Within, Kiethevez or Forbidden Colours, who may not be big names but have nev­er­the­less left their mark on the synth pop world, hits the nail on the head. These bands have enriched playl­ists with their songs, and that's exactly what "If You Want" by "Elektrik Skin" does. The youth­ful, naive synth pop sound is not only a trib­ute to times gone by, but also shows how lively and con­tem­por­ary this genre can be.

"Elektrik Skin" proves that synth pop is still rel­ev­ant and that there is still plenty of poten­tial for future devel­op­ments in this area. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Elektrik Skin – If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)" on Spotify

Listen to "Elektrik Skin – If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Elektrik Skin – If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)"

If you want to sing my song
if you want to be the one
you just have to be as strong
as I am

In the night when the minds are dull
my mind is crys­tal clear
in the night when the hearts beat fast
my heart won’t feel the fear

I don’t run into your arms
just to be not alone tonight
would you really want to be with me?
would you ever try to play with me?

If you want to sing my song
if you want to be the one
you just have to be as strong
as I am
In a time
where the lights burn out
my light will shine the night
in a time
where the eyes are blind
my eyes can read your mind

If you want to sing my song
if you want to be the one
you just have to be as strong
as I am

In the past I used to be like you
Thought I could find all my answers in you
Desired your loveI
I needed your love
I lived on your love

I won’t run into your arms anymore
If you don’t appre­ci­ate my love
If you only want to play with my love

If you want to sing my song
if you want to be the one
you just have to be as strong
as I am

strong as I am
strong as I am

If you want to sing my song
if you want to be the one
you just have to be as strong
as I am

Elektrik Skin about "If You Want (Feat. Robson Darker)"

"If You Want" is a catchy syn­thpop song suit­able to dance­floor, Spotify-playl­ist at home or under way in the car. It also builds a bridge to retro 80s music and mod­ern syn­thpop tracks.

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