Faderhead – Escape Gravity

Official music video 'Escape Gravity' by 'Faderhead' taken from the album 'FH‑X'. Video pro­duced, shot and edited by Faderhead. Model: Amy Schmietendorf. Additional on-set pro­duc­tion: Nadine Skalli.


I'm stand­ing here all night
Watching you dance
And it feels so unreal to me
I wake up reach­ing out
But no one's here
I real­ize it's just a dream
It was just a dream
That you were here with me

I look at you
And I saw home

Wish we'd escape this planet's gravity
And dance among the stars
Wish we'd fall asleep eternally
In each oth­ers arms
Wish we'd escape this planet's gravity
Hold hands among the stars
Your in my heart but in reality
Ten thou­sand miles apart

Id rather be want­ing than without desire
There is no end to what I dream
You asked me if my heart was broken
But I don't know
Because it was nev­er healed
Because it was nev­er whole

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