Leathers – Runaway

Official music video for the syn­thwave song 'Runaway' per­formed by 'Leathers'.

Listen to 'Leathers – Runaway' on Spotify

Listen to 'Leathers – Runaway' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Leathers – Runaway'

Leather gloves caress the steer­ing wheel
Yesterday's dream by the side of the road
Chasing fevered sun into the blaz­ing desert
With a switchblade knife and a Cherry Coke

Let's run­away
On a lost highway
Like a nat­ur­al disaster
Let's run­away, so far away
We can fall into forever

When the moon slips deep in Scorpio
Dark desire comes to light
Palm trees sway behind the motel room
One last time, stars align

Let's run­away
On a lost highway
Like a nat­ur­al disaster
Let's run­away, so far away
We can fall into forever

You and I
Together forever
To the end of the earth

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