Liya – No Meaning

Official music video 'No Meaning' per­formed by 'Liya'. Director, Editor, Cinematography & Effects: Ohad Elimelech.


It makes no sense I’m not myself I only have your image in my head I don’t think it will heal it feels so sur­real only an end­ing will save me
It seems like I know what to do but you still have so much power over me
I’m caught in your net and you’re not even aware of that it shouldn’t be this way but it is

The night, the night is much dark­er the day has no light no mean­ing to life

Emptiness behind my eyes
Gazing through the void u left behind
Existing in slow motion trapped inside the froZen silence

The prom­ise is what still keeps me there but the doubt doesn’t let me surrender
So I’m wait­ing wait­ing and fool­ing myself fool­ing myself

Fooling myself
Fooling myself

The night, the night is much dark­er the day has no light no mean­ing to life

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