Male Tears – Model Citizen

Official music video 'Model Citizen' per­formed by 'Male Tears' taken from the EP 'Trauma Club'. Shot & Directed by AJ Strout, Assisted by Cayce Poisal. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist 'New Synth Pop Songs 2022'. Updated every 2 weeks! Follow this playl­ist now and don't miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Male Tears – Model Citizen' on Spotify

Listen to 'Male Tears – Model Citizen' on Bandcamp


I’ve been pos­ing like a magazine- Every man­nequin around
All the black lip­stick people dance- So help­less in the crowd
Push aside all the real affec­tion – Rush to find some hole in the wall
Give my self to a new delu­sion, I wanna look good when I fall
And If you think I’m tra­gic- you haven’t seen me yet. I’m try­ing not to pan­ic, the answer is the end.
I will eat your soul. Your pretty, pretty soul.
I was born in a lim­ousine – It was ugly feel­ing young
Never happy and I’m nev­er sad- So pretty when I’m loud
Take anoth­er pretty pic­ture for them. Tell me, babies, that I’m worth it again.
Give myself to a new delu­sion, I wanna look good when I fall.

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