Miss FD – Little Galaxy

Official music video 'Little Galaxy' per­formed by 'Miss FD' taken from the album 'Transcendence'. Director: Stivan Widick.


phantom of unearthly dreams
shad­ows of grief
cloud­ing my reasoning
as the world flames out and i give in
rid­ing time passed and departed
set to gath­er and release
the end of things i nev­er started

rise, galaxy rise
and the stars will fall before us
rise, galaxy rise
little galaxy

into the atmo­sphere i'm blend­ing in
as it pulls me into the unknown
into a mys­tery i'm entering
awaken­ing as i am drawn
into my own

phantom of unearthly dreams
i feel you sum­mon­ing me
as the world flames out and i give in
i'm surrendering
as i atone

rise, galaxy rise
and the stars will fall before us
rise, galaxy rise
little galaxy

i'm drawn in, little galaxy
i'm fall­ing into the unknown
i'm blend­ing into the atmosphere
sur­ren­der­ing as i atone
i'm blend­ing into the atmosphere
until i'm nobody at all

i'm nobody at all
i'm nobody at all
i'm nobody at all
i'm nobody at all

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