Pretty Addicted – Dickhead

Official music video 'Dickhead' per­formed by 'Pretty Addicted' taken from the album 'Soul For Sale'.


Are you still hanging around like a chain on my neck,
like a hex, to be fuck­ing spiteful?
Did you think I was dumb? Did you think I was weak?
I'm just too good to fight you.
And I can still carry on with a knife in my back,
but without me you're a ghost, a black void.
I'll nev­er let any­one take the future I've laid.
You can have the past you destroyed.
And you're always bring­ing me down like you want me as
sad and pathet­ic as you are, but it won't do.
Did you call me a bitch? Did you think I was wrong?
I just don't fuck­ing like you!
Though you won't get any­more, you really think you've got power
like I give a shit you exist.
You had your 15 minutes, little sniff of the line.
I hope the noth­ing­ness is worth it.

We're not here for a long time
so I won't waste any time on a fuck­ing dickhead.
But we are here for a good time
so I want to love and to dance and I'll sleep when I'm dead.

You were always play­ing around while I was break­ing my back
for a mother­fuck­er plan­ning to skip town.
I was noth­ing to you so you are noth­ing to me,
You're just a fuck­ing ass, clown.
And while I'll nev­er regain all the days that were spent
on your bull­shit, on a frivol­ous day.
I bet I'm queen of the world before you catch me again
and you'll still be a mistake.

My life is bet­ter than yours
and you could nev­er compare.
You think you've got my attention
but I don't even care.
You make a sound, no one blinks,
and you'd kill to be sick.
I'm a boss
and my heels are big­ger than your dick..


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