Robotiko Rejekto – Love Machine

Official music video 'Love Machine' by 'Robotiko Rejekto'. Ralf Henrich aka RaHen (Axodry, Moskva TV and ROBOTIKO REJEKTO) has released the new ROBOTIKO REJEKTO track "LOVE MACHINE"”, a col­lab­or­a­tion with Katja von Kassel. The Diva returns with smoky prom­ises. RaHen is both com­poser and pro­du­cer: as well as test­ing his cre­at­ive mettle in dif­fer­ent music styles, he has worked as a artist / pro­du­cer / com­poser for numer­ous Zoth Ommog, New Beat, tone´bient and TDI releases.

LOVE MACHINE: A red silk dress, red lips and a heart that burns like fire. Deep whis­per in a Weimar twist. Glamour, danger and a world-weary yearn­ing inter­twine in a hyp­noth­ic elec­tro drama.

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