Saint Mars – A Love Impossible

Saint Mars - A Love ImpossibleOffical music video for the synth pop song 'A Love Impossible' per­formed by the US artist 'Saint Mars'. Video by Nick Fancher, edited by Marc Darcange.

The still very young artist per­fectly cap­tures the atmo­sphere of the mel­an­chol­ic synth pop and new wave sounds of the 80s. Of course, the song 'A Love Impossible' sounds fresh and up-to-date due to the instru­ment­a­tion. The song is very catchy and almost has a tend­ency towards com­mer­cial pop, but still just about gets the curve to work for our dark niche.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Saint Mars – A Love Impossible' on Spotify

Lyrics of 'Saint Mars – A Love Impossible'

So is my destiny
One thou­sand tears that you will nev­er see
Such a destiny
One mil­lion kisses I will nev­er give

I wear this thing like a tattoo
Covering my lips
(…Where your breath will nev­er slip)
Kids are run­ning down on the beach
Knowing noth­ing of the chill trapped in me

Living in the cherry sky in me
Singing in the very deep of me
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible

So is my tragedy
Too many dreams that I will nev­er live
Such a tragedy
Too many sees run­ning inside of me
Hiding in my coat like a ghost
Chaining my soul
(…Chaining my soul)
A girl is chas­ing shad­ows inside
Horses are out for a ride
But no one can see

Living in the cherry sky in me
Singing in the very deep of me
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible

Living in the cherry sky in me
Singing in the very deep of me
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible
I know I’ll nev­er burn this love impossible

Saint Mars about 'A Love Impossible'

After receiv­ing sup­port from the likes of CLASH, Music Week, NewRetroWave and FOMH, and col­lab­or­a­tions with Droid Bishop, Lost Years, Juche and The Toxic Avenger, Saint Mars and its young front­man Tryzdin aim to take their ever-grow­ing synth wave audi­ence to the next level, with “A Love Impossible”, reveal­ing one of their most intim­ate jour­neys into over­com­ing bul­ly­ing and asso­ci­ated men­tal health issues, as illus­trated by the open­ing words: « So is my des­tiny – One thou­sand tears that you will nev­er see ». The music video has a strong 80's fla­vour and is the first col­lab­or­a­tion of its kind between Saint Mars and Columbus pho­to­graph­er Nick Fancher.

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