Starsign – Clear Horizon

"Clear Horizon": Synth pop meets infinite sound diversity

Starsign - Clear Horizon (Cover artwork)When I first heard "Clear Horizon" by Starsign, I imme­di­ately felt trans­por­ted back to the golden days of 90s synth pop. The pier­cing, con­cise syn­thes­izer sounds evoke strong memor­ies of clas­sics from that era for me. But what makes the track spe­cial for me are the many mod­ern ele­ments that Starsign skil­fully incor­por­ates. For example, there are these fas­cin­at­ing wobble sounds that give the song some­thing unex­pec­ted and unique without dis­turb­ing the har­mony. And then there are all these oth­er, some­times crazy effects that swirl around the melody like a music­al tornado.

Despite the abund­ance of sounds, "Clear Horizon" always remains melod­ic and har­mo­ni­ous for me. I'm not a fan of cluttered tracks, but Starsign man­ages to strike a bal­ance. The com­plex­ity of the com­pos­i­tion is impress­ive to me. When I ima­gine the indi­vidu­al tracks on the sequen­cer, I inev­it­ably think of com­plic­ated "rock­et sci­ence" – that's how well thought out and detailed everything sounds.

I was par­tic­u­larly impressed by the vocals. They fit per­fectly into the ener­get­ic sound and give the song anoth­er dimen­sion. I like the way the vocals are nev­er over­laid by the effects, but always remain present and clear.

Another aspect that I con­sider a clear strength of the song is the music video. Even though I am inten­tion­ally not men­tion­ing the obvi­ous homage at this point – synth pop fans, espe­cially those with a pas­sion for Dutch dir­ect­ors and photo artists, will imme­di­ately know what I am talk­ing about.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Starsign – Clear Horizon" on Spotify

Listen to "Starsign – Clear Horizon" on Bandcamp

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