The Guilt – New Knives

Official music video 'New Knives' per­formed by Electro Punk band 'The Guilt' taken from the same titled album 'New Knives'. Video by Alain Steffler.


In the stair­ways All by myself In the metro touch­ing strangers
At the bus stop Looking female On my way home but it’s too late
I’m a good girl I’m a good girl
I’m a good girl and good girls live in hell
I’m a good girl I’m a good girl
At the party I’m a dis­grace they look stu­pid but it’s too late
In the dead space between ourselves let the blade go cut the deadweight
I’m a good girl I’m a good girl
I’m a good girl and good girls live in hell
I’m a good girl I’m a good girl

I wasn’t born a lady I was born to make new knives

Are you hungry Are you invit­ing them Are you look­ing straight, right thru
them? Don’t be sorry I’m by myself They got me chas­ing and it’s too late

I wasn’t born a lady I was born to make new knives

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