The Mobile Homes – Via Dolorosa

Official music video 'Via Dolorosa' per­formed by 'The Mobile Homes' taken from the album 'Trigger'. Do you love this music video? The video was awar­ded as one of the best synth pop music videos 2021. See the oth­er awards now!


I'm sure i would have
Fallen through
And giv­en this shit up
If it wasn't for you
I can't express how
And what i want to say
The boil­ing anger in me
Will it ever ebb away

I don't understand
The things i see
A middle­class swede
Is some­thing to be

Always been walking
Via dolorosa
It's true it's nev­er ending
Via dolorosa

I've nev­er seen any­thing like it
You'll nev­er under­stand it
I've nev­er felt any­thing like it
You'll nev­er understand

Always been walking
Via dolorosa
It's true it's nev­er ending
Via dolorosa

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