The Mystic Underground – Athletes

Official music video 'Athletes' per­formed by 'The Mystic Underground'.


well true love is blooming
in the lot by the bay
so we're here now
we're peering
through all the steamed windshields
it always starts the same
hand up the blouse
she's nervous
the glory, the conquest
if he can con­vince her
he'll be there
he'll love her
he'll wave when she greets him

under the clearest moon
she said that he should wait but
she was out­voted two to one
he'll show you heav­en soon
what would your moth­er say

the talk of the town
and the boys' bath­room walls
but he promised
she's worried
a nag­ging sense lingers
the stor­ies spun in the gym
they cir­cu­late through the school
and now we're scarred for life

the girls against the boys
the new­est con­tact sport
and the battle­ground is your school
some people do it for sport
while oth­ers do it alone

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