Velatine – I Won't Be Civilised

Official music video "I Won't Be Civilised" per­formed by 'Velatine' taken from the same titled album "I Won't Be Civilised". Director, Editor: Mark Bakaitis. As a lov­er of dark wave, I was imme­di­ately drawn to Velatine's latest track "I Won't Be Civilised". This duo from Melbourne, Australia def­in­itely knows how to cre­ate an intense and moody atmo­sphere, which is evid­ent from the first beat. The vocals are clear and bal­anced and the lyr­ics of the song delve into a dark and uncom­fort­able sub­ject mat­ter, con­vey­ing a sense of mys­tery and allure.

To be hon­est, I wasn't 100% con­vinced by the song at first, its unique blend of energy, romance and dark­ness quickly grew on me. The track is min­im­al­ist­ic, but that's what gives it its edge. It's not try­ing to be any­thing it's not and that's what makes it stand out. The over­all mood of the song is intense and slightly uncom­fort­able, which is what I love about dark wave music.

I would have liked to see a little more dynam­ics and vari­ety in the song, but that's just a per­son­al pref­er­ence. If you're look­ing for a dark and brood­ing piece of music that's all about empower­ment, then Velatine's "I Won't Be Civilised" is def­in­itely worth a listen.

Listen to "Velatine – I Won't Be Civilised" on Spotify

Listen to "Velatine – I Won't Be Civilised" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Velatine – I Won't Be Civilised"

I’m gonna party on the street
I’m going party in the laneways
I’ll be outta control
I’ll be like Mr Hyde.
I won’t be civilised!!!
I’m gonna try everything
Take myself to the edge
Stretch myself in the strangest of ways
Might find myself, dangling off the gauge
I won’t be civilised!!!
I won’t be civilised!!!
You can’t claim me
I won’t be civilised!!!!!
You can’t tame me
I won’t be civilised!!!!!
I won’t be civilised!!!
Tonight you won’t know me
And you def­in­itely won’t own me
I’ll be bright­er than a shoot­ing star
So outta reach, I’m going that far.
I won’t be civilised!!!
You can’t shame me
I won’t be civilised!!!!!
You can’t flame me
I won’t be civilised!!!!!

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