Big Time Kill – Anxiety

Big Time Kill - Anxiety

Album facts

Release: July 29th, 2019
Label: Glitch Mode Recordings
Genre: , ,
Discogs: Big Time Kill discography

Quick rating

3.9 ★★★★☆

The five stages of inner discomfort …

… without being down­right crazy. The new EP of 'Big Time Kill' cov­ers not only dif­fer­ent states of men­tal exhaus­tion and strain but also a vari­ety of music­al genres. 'Anxiety' ranges from heart­felt aggres­sion to com­plete resig­na­tion, from digit­al double-bass in 'Brutalism' to Country-gui­tar whin­ing in 'Dysphoria'.

Devil in the details

What makes this band very spe­cial to me is the love for details and the free­dom to choose whatever style is appro­pri­ate for their com­pos­i­tion. For example, in the open­er 'Anxiety', there’s a tiny shat­ter­ing of glass in the chor­us as if some­thing fra­gile in your head just hit ground. A beau­ti­ful audio pic­ture for this topic.

In regards of free­dom, listen in on 'Again And Again' – with Adam spit­ting out the lyr­ics like some­thing tast­ing very bad and even employ­ing a short rap inter­mezzo remind­ing me of 'Clawfinger' and the like.

'Hush' has already been aired as a video, which I really like because of the graph­ic­al style as well as the fun and energy those guys trans­port. And of course, the song is great, too, for you can feel the taut­ness with every uttered 'Hush'.

Distress of every sort being a com­plex and – on first glance – neg­at­ive emo­tion­al field, 'Big Time Kill' nev­er leave you in a state of dev­ast­a­tion. They always man­age to make you stop in order to push you from a dif­fer­ent per­spect­ive. Changes in tempo and pauses often do the trick. Those nev­er seem arti­fi­cial or overly stretched. Everything these guys do is per­fectly planned and really well executed. With a lovely bit of punk-ish dirt and energy, of course.

Big time happy

As I hoped, 'Big Time Kill' sys­tem­at­ic­ally fol­lowed their path already entered with 'Shock And Awe', devel­op­ing their style without ever get­ting bor­ing or pre­dict­able. Yes, I’d be hap­pi­er if it had been a full-length album, but I can under­stand the decision for an EP in mat­ters of storyline and com­plete­ness in form and content.

So, if you’re ready to get sur­prised, ener­gised, con­fused, enter­tained and in-the-end-sorry-that-it’s‑already-over: get 'Anxiety' on the spot!

Get 'Big Time Kill – Anxiety' here

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