Ghostfeeder – Star Beast

Ghostfeeder - Star Beast

Album facts

Release: May 16th, 2019
Label: Self release
Genre: , ,
Discogs: Not avail­able yet

Quick rating

3.2 ★★★☆☆

Flashdance in the arcade

Imagine a neon-pink arcade in summer's last twi­light. This is where 'Ghostfeeder' would surely feel pretty much at home. In mat­ters of music­al lay­out as well as lyr­ic­ally with all the free­dom, pas­sion and finite­ness of a summer's hol­i­day. Spent in an arcade. With your nerdy teen­age love.

Retro-Gaming sounds, 80ies ref­er­ences, high dance­ab­il­ity and well bal­anced, at times pretty dark lyr­ics merge into what is the new album 'Star Beast'. Released inde­pend­ently, this is really a band deserving sup­port: appear­ing 2011 on the scene with their first out­put 'Social Accessory' and emer­ging from Tampa, Florida, 'Ghostfeeder' is eas­ily to be men­tioned in the line of 'Scandroid'. So if you're into them, you'll def­in­itely need to check up on 'Ghostfeeder'.

My per­son­al high­light on the record is the open­er 'Shadow' with an intense chor­us and energy and a lot of glit­tery back­ground sounds. 'Voyeur' is also com­ing very strong because it enters the realm of Synth Rock with hints of heavy gui­tars and a pretty rock-like song structure.

'Star Beast' is not a fast album, it's actu­ally quite low tempered. But due to its diversity and live­li­ness there's noth­ing to be missed. It's an easy-going well-led pop-jour­ney through digit­al music and emo­tion­al life itself, remind­ing me often of dif­fer­ent great bands from 'Nine Inch Nails', across 'IAMX' to 'Ben Ivory', but always only in very small doses. Still, the biggest ref­er­ence stays 'Scandroid'.

If you feel like flash­dan­cing in an empty arcade – go get 'Star Beast' instantly! And a nice set of Spandex pants would surely be quite appro­pri­ate to acquire, espe­cially if it glitters.

Get 'Ghostfeeder – Star Beast' here

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