Mechatronic – Still Life

Mechatronic - Still LifeAlbum facts

Release: February 2nd, 2018
Label: Space Race Records
Genre: , ,
Discogs: Link

Quick rating

3.5 ★★★★☆

Playful and varied Electropop

Melodic fresh­ness, eleg­ance and a remark­able polar­iz­ing abil­ity, are the pecu­li­ar­it­ies that have always dis­tin­guished the syn­thpop­ish / EBM song­writ­ing of the Swedish duo-pro­ject Mechatronic, who, after fur­ther com­pos­it­ive refine­ments, have now reached their fourth album, Still Life, a release full of pre­ci­os­ity that included four­teen pro­spect­ively impec­cable songs.

Music for the new gen­er­a­tions, clean, har­mo­ni­ously built, dance­able and access­ible in any cir­cum­stances. It altern­ates easy listen­ing moods and very clubby for­mu­la­tions with struc­tures full of tech­no­lo­gic­al refine­ment, always keep­ing very high levels of enter­tain­ment. Symmetrical drum-pro­gram­ming lines draw extraordin­ar­ily dance­able tra­ject­or­ies, while enthralling vocals, sequenced punc­tu­ations, sampling and fas­cin­at­ing euphon­ies of synths cre­ate a galaxy sur­roun­ded by spec­tac­u­lar elec­tron­ic choreographies.

The new full-length, in addi­tion to being a remark­able step for­ward in the dis­co­graphy of the duo, is a resource for all the altern­at­ive D.J.'s, who will find in the track­list many poten­tial floor­fillers. Mechatronic far sur­pass once again the con­ven­tion­al son­ic aver­age, pro­pos­ing them­selves as an avant-garde pro­ject, cap­able to com­pose small mas­ter­pieces of syn­thpop art without any com­plex­ity, designed spe­cific­ally and scru­pu­lously one by one to obtain the max­im­um performance.

If you are true avant-garde's and you like the ener­get­ic and lovely and uncom­prom­ising sounds, "Still Life" is prob­ably the album of your dreams.

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