Aesthetic Perfection – Into The Black

Pop goes dark

Aesthetic Perfection - Into The BlackAlbum facts

Release Date: March 29th 2019
Label: Self-Release
Genre: , , , ,
Discogs: Link
Partially sounds like: Daniel Graves meets N'Sync meets Nine Inch Nails meets Front Line Assembly

After their last release ''Til Death' in 2014, Aesthetic Perfection ring in the year 2019 with their new release 'Into The Black' and take Industrial Pop to the next level.

Pop melod­ies from the 90’s, mixed with 80’s style gui­tar chords and indus­tri­al ele­ments, along with lyr­ics about death, gods and the after­life – hell, this sounds like a mess, doesn’t it?

This album proves that Aesthetic Perfection are will­ing to step out of their com­fort zone and try out some­thing new, without hav­ing to give up on their roots. 'Into The Black' is obvi­ously the res­ult of the pre­vi­ous EPs ‘Ebb and Flow’ or the N’Sync cov­er ‘Bye Bye Bye’.

Even though I am sure that Daniel Graves gave the lyr­ics a lot of thought when pro­du­cing this album, I must say that the sound com­pos­i­tions are much more inter­est­ing and give this album its indi­vidu­al style, prob­ably because some of the songs were pro­duced in cooper­a­tion with Jinxx from the Blackveil Brides, Krischan Wesenberg from Rotersand and Richard Z. Kruspe from Rammstein.

If someone would ask me what the hell Industrial Pop is (about), I would say simply say: This is it!

Into The Black

The first song of this album gives a per­fect intro­duc­tion of what we have to expect for the next 45 minutes:  'Gods and Gold' starts off with a heavy, slow beat and gui­tar chords to bang your head to. These in-your-face beats are accom­pan­ied by Daniel Graves’ typ­ic­al harsh and rough voice, who some­times ham­mers the words to the listen­er like in a rap solo while switch­ing to a softer, more melod­ic pace in the chor­us. The con­stant change in rhythm gives this first song its indi­vidu­al touch and per­fectly rep­res­ents the con­trast between anger and hope­less­ness for­war­ded by the lyrics.

There is no justice, there is just rage and greed.
Lyrics from 'Gods and Gold' by Aesthetic Perfection

‘Wickedness’ takes on a more elec­tron­ic pace and sounds at some point like a sequel to ‘LAX. When listen­ing to it for the first time, I could just ima­gine Daniel Graves sit­ting in front of his com­puter, try­ing out dif­fer­ent arcade soundsboun­cing his head to it. These Nintendo-like sounds build up to the chor­us, which is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from what I had expec­ted: it lit­er­ally sounds like David Guetta! This is def­in­itely a bold move, but after all, this is what Industrial Pop is about. The song really is kind of catchy and I can’t help but bop my head to the melody.

Aesthetic Perfection Promo Picture
Aesthetic Perfection Promo Picture

Taking up the play­ful theme from the pre­vi­ous song, 'No Boys Allowed' invites us on the dance floor with its pro­voc­at­ive elec­tron­ic ele­ments and its pound­ing EBM rhythm.

What's it worth equal­ity? We've got just one rule.
Lyrics from 'No Boys Allowed' by Aesthetic Perfection

The second part of the chor­us, how­ever, offers a sur­pris­ing twist. The chime bells, which remind me of a typ­ic­al hor­ror movie theme, seem to be taunt­ing and scary at the same time, remind­ing every­one that this life is not for sissies.

‘Where’s the meaning, where’s the soul’

To ‘wear the mad kick’ of the pre­vi­ous songs off, ‘Supernatural’ intro­duces the second part of the album, which con­tin­ues on a slower pace. The dis­tor­ted sounds in the chor­us per­fectly fit the lyr­ics about our ever­last­ing yet futile strive for per­fec­tion.

We’re just human after all, we’re not supernatural.
Lyrics from 'Supernatural' by Aesthetic Perfection

The begin­ning of the song dir­ectly reminded me of ‘Never Enough’ from the record ‘Blood Spills Not Far from The Wound’ and it’s almost as if an older ver­sion of Daniel Graves is talk­ing to his ‘fool­ish, young­er self’ from ‘Never Enough’.

‘Echoes’ pur­sues this con­tem­plat­ive theme while main­tain­ing the same slow momentum, accom­pan­ied by Jinxx's gui­tar chords, which accur­ately under­line the lyr­ics. While the chor­us instantly stays in your head and make you want to sing along, the lyr­ics remind us that it might some­times seem tempt­ing to only listen to what we want to hear, but that it’s not neces­sar­ily easi­er than to face reality.

I’m stuck inside an echo/I’d rather live a lie until the end.
Lyrics from 'Echoes' by Aesthetic Perfection

Aesthetic Perfection Promo Picture
Aesthetic Perfection Promo Picture

Just like the pre­vi­ous song, ‘We Wake Up’ also seems to deal with the feel­ing of being stuck, only that now we’re cap­tured in a bad dream and we can­not seem to face the night’s hor­rors. The female back­ground singing gives this song its typ­ic­al pop style we heard so much of in the pre­vi­ous songs. Still, the song keeps its unique Aesthetic Perfection style with Daniel Graves’ dis­tor­ted voice and his rough screams respond­ing to it. Again, if you want it or not, just like being stuck in a bad dream, this song will be stuck in your head.

With ‘If I Die’ the gui­tars return to give this song a touch of the 2000’s. When I first heard the chor­us, I felt trans­por­ted back to my youth with all its “happy pop-rock bands” and I imme­di­ately felt the urge to sing and dance along to the lines ‘If I die today, will you remem­ber me?’ The gui­tar solo at the end, which reminded me a lot of The Darkness’ ‘Love Is Only A Feeling’, vir­tu­ously rounds up the song on the brink of sound­ing com­pletely out of place.

Make it count

The song ‘Saint Peter’ is a limp back to Aesthetic Perfection's elec­tron­ic roots and does not hold any sur­prises in terms of exper­i­ment­al vari­ations com­pared to the oth­er songs on the album. The mid-tempo beats are mixed with syn­thes­izer sounds to accom­pany the fatal­ist­ic lyr­ics about faith and belief. 

No faith, no light, no end in sight.
Lyrics from 'Saint Peter' by Aesthetic Perfection

Just like the pre­vi­ous one, ‘YOLO’ is a purely elec­tron­ic song which alters Daniel Graves’ rough screams and melod­ic singing. The repeated announce­ment ‘head­ing for self-destruc­tion’ by the news anchor voice in the back­ground reminds you of an alert sig­nal repeated over and over again, as if it were remind­ing you that it will all be over one day. This seems to be exactly what Daniel Graves sug­gests when he pas­sion­ately screams out that ‘one life is all we need’ because either way, we’re all going to die one day, so why not just make the best out of it?

Why do we waste these moments, so pre­cious and so brief.
Lyrics from 'YOLO' by Aesthetic Perfection

‘Mourning doves’ is the tenth and last song of this album and is a per­fect sequel to ‘YOLO’. It sounds like the after­math of a crazy party, as if you were still recov­er­ing from last night’s mad­ness. But just when you think this is just a slow, melod­ic song round­ing up the album, here come the gui­tars, dir­ectly tele­por­ted from the 80’s, giv­ing this song an almost dra­mat­ic touch. A worthy end­ing to a tur­bu­lent music­al roller­coast­er ride!

No haters allowed

With their new album 'Into The Black', Aesthetic Perfection have con­vinced us that it's import­ant to break with "the good old habits" to cre­ate some­thing new. Although Daniel Graves doesn’t con­sider him­self belong­ing to one spe­cif­ic genre, he con­firmed him­self that he fan­cied a lot of dif­fer­ent genres and this is exactly what we can hear on the new release.

Still, I remem­ber peoples' bewildered looks when Aesthetic Perfection per­formed 'Bye Bye Bye' on stage, that's why I sin­cerely hope the audi­ence will be ready for this album and cher­ish it as it is : a mas­ter­piece of Industrial Pop.

Personally, I really got to love the album 'Into The Black' and can't stop singing or boun­cing along! This might be the next step in the his­tory of Industrial Pop and hope­fully, anoth­er step into a bright future for Aesthetic Perfection.

By the way, this album also made it into our art­icle ‘The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2019‘. Read now.

Track By Track Rating

Aesthetic Perfection - Into The Black
Aesthetic Perfection – Into The Black
Gods And Gold
No Boys Allowed
We Wake Up 
If I Die
Saint Peter
Mourning Doves
Gods And Gold
No Boys Allowed
(Nothing to report here)

Most popular posts of the last 30 days

  1. 3.9
    More raw Industrial with a pinch of Pop

    After the EPs 'LAX', 'Love Like Lies' and 'Ebb And Flow' I expec­ted some­thing dif­fer­ent. The new album is undoubtedly a con­sist­ent sequel, but unfor­tu­nately not as catchy as its pre­de­cessor 'Til Death'. Still, 'Into The Black' is an excel­lent album. I love the album and I hear it often. Maybe just my expect­a­tions were wrong. Remembering my own prin­ciple: Always be open-minded. 

    Leave A Review
    Gods And Gold
    No Boys Allowed
    We Wake Up 
    If I Die
    Saint Peter
    Mourning Doves

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Gods And Gold
No Boys Allowed
We Wake Up
If I Die
Saint Peter
Mourning Doves
Final Score