And One – Tanzomat


A broken promise

The album title says 'Tanzomat' which is a ger­man word com­bin­a­tion of the words 'Dance' and 'Automatic'. I'm not an eng­lish nat­ive speak­er, but maybe 'Dance-o-mat­ic' works for you? If you have a more adequate trans­la­tion, please use the com­ment sec­tion below.

But the album title prom­ises more than it holds. Big hits are nowhere on the disc. There are how­ever some good tracks on it, but in the end this is more an album for the hard 'And One' fan core.

A new low-point?

The first tones of 'Dancing In The Factory' reminds me some­how auto­mat­ic­ally on the melody of 'I Just Can't Get Enough' by Depeche Mode. Overall the song sounds like a naïve child song. What hap­pens here? In this case I'm out!

The only tracks I would recom­mend with a clear a good con­science is 'Shining Star' and 'Sex Drive'. The only reas­on to pub­lish this review, is the respect that I have for 'And One' for all their awe­some early albums, before the 'Virgin Superstar' and fol­low­ing albums hap­pens. The over­all score is a smooth 3‑star rat­ing, and thus at the lim­it of the pub­lic­a­tion on Electrozombies.

Track By Track Rating

and one tanzomat
And One – Tanzomat
Save The Hate
Shining Star
Only Your Dreams
Dancing In The Factory
Angel Eyes
The Aim Is In Your Head
Sex Drive
Playing Dead
No Song For You
And I Love
Shining Star
Sex Drive
No Song For You
And I Love

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Save The Hate
Shining Star
Only Your Dreams
Dancing In The Factory
Angel Eyes
The Aim Is In Your Head
Sex Drive
Playing Dead
No Song For You
And I Love
Final Score