FORM – Defiance + Entropy

'Defiance + Entropy' is a Synth Pop jewel out of the blue

FORM - Defiance + Entropy

Album facts

Release: November 23rd, 2018
Label: Infacted Recordings
Genre: ,
Discogs: Link
Partially sounds like: Mesh, Kate Bush, Eisfabrik, Priest

A masterpiece of a debut?

"Born out of sheer love and devo­tion to synth sounds and the appre­ci­ation of vin­tage song­writ­ing skills, Keith Trigwell, Mark Bebb and Rob Dust have cre­ated a mas­ter­piece, which will both sur­prise and invig­or­ate the most dis­cern­ing lov­ers of elec­tron­ica.": with these words begins the pro­mo­tion­al let­ter from Torben Schmidt (Infacted Recordings).

"Wow!", I thought to myself. Those are big words. The first single 'Poison' had def­in­itely already a cer­tain poten­tial. But it's rare that a debut album is full of such hits. But it should be dif­fer­ent than I expec­ted. Be curi­ous and read the review of the debut of 'FORM' here.

First-class Synthpop has landed

I would not have needed the instru­ment­al open­er 'Prelude47' and find it mono­ton­ous and lengthy, so I just skip this one. But the second track 'Override' would have been a ter­rif­ic open­er. I'm over­run by a first-class Synthpop song. Super catchy and groovy blows again a fresh wind from the scene without being too experimental.

For the first single 'Poison' there was unfor­tu­nately only a weak lyr­ics video, which is why we have not pub­lished this. However, the qual­ity of the song is an abso­lutely first league. A born hit single and hope­fully soon in the hot rota­tion in every dark club.

Full of emo­tions and goose­bumps feel­ing describes the bal­lad 'Surrender' best. A won­der­ful song with strong samples. Especially when the robot voice spells the let­ters "S U R R E N D E R". Cleverly, at about 04:05 minutes, the band added a small instru­ment­al outro of almost two minutes at the end of the song. Since it does not func­tion as a sep­ar­ate track, I can not devalue it. But it would not have been neces­sary (wink).

In each other's arms, safe from harm, we surrender
Lyrics from 'Surrender' by FORM

The emotional side of FORM

The rather short and extremely mel­an­chol­ic bal­lad 'Enough' is good mediocrity. Unfortunately, the track does not pick me up at any time. The music­al back­drop is repet­it­ive and without tension.

I do not know why, but the first minute of the sixth song 'Stranded' reminds me a lot of 'Running Up That Hill'. It is actu­ally a quite inde­pend­ent song with a lot of depth and emo­tions. In terms of tempo, we also move some­where in the bal­lad area, but with a lot of ten­sion and energy. I have imme­di­ately drawn this song to my heart regard­less of the fact that it reminds me of the old 'Kate Bush' clas­sic.

Safe us from ourselves tonight, our oxy­gen is low now in our air supply
Lyrics from 'Stranded' by FORM

'Sugar' comes with a good mood beat and a swing the shoulders vibe. Almost a real pop gem, as I can pre­dict a 100% radio cap­ab­il­ity here. The com­plex­ity of the song struc­ture is so man­age­able that you already want to sing along with the second chor­us. The only draw­back: Again, after 04:20 minutes we are secretly imposed to listen to an inter­lude. And so this track also falls out for our online radio broadcast.

Great, every track sounds divergently uniformed

Very elec­tron­ic­ally and almost dysto­pi­an sounds the song 'Lies'. Gloomy samples, a clas­sic piano line with a mel­an­chol­ic beat, carry the song for­ward. The vocals nestle per­fectly to the sound of the music and form a sym­bi­os­is of sadness.

Do you like Synthie Pop/Electrorock Power like 'Mesh'? Then 'Fire' is your ref­er­ence tip. But do not worry, this is not a cheap copy. You think you recog­nize par­al­lels, but 'FORM' is full of integ­rity to give their own char­ac­ter to the song. Attention, dance floor alarm!

The song first serves the cliché of 80s Italo pop. A naive-sound­ing, light-footed beat with a chor­us bright­er than the sun. This song would also work in the beer tent of the fun­fair. Attention after 03:54 minutes an inter­lude will be played again! Why?

Hidden a hit single at the end

With single qual­it­ies, the pen­ul­tim­ate song 'Addict' stands out. This one takes up speed again. Punchy and strong, the song is finely pro­duced for the dance floor. Energy, fast beats, cool elec­tron­ic samples and more energy. A little bit of 'Eisfabrik' style and 'Priest' like vocals are avail­able for free.

'Infinity' is a gen­er­ally good song, even if it sounds like a 90's boy band bal­lad with heartache and so on. But I nev­er have any neg­at­ive touch on pop music of the '90s and that's why I like the song. Nevertheless, this is a song that can eas­ily be replaced and is not strik­ing enough for the over­all concept of the album, in my opinion.

Synth Pop fans should now be alert!

The album really sur­prised me. It came out of nowhere and comes around the corner with a lot of good songs. If bleak clas­sic­al Synth Pop is your thing, then I highly recom­mend you to listen to the 'Defiance + Entropy' album from 'FORM' and of course to buy it.

Watch the album teaser of 'Defiance + Entropy' now

Track By Track Rating

FORM - Defiance + Entropy
FORM – Defiance + Entropy

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