Horskh – Gate

Horskh Gate 1

Album facts

Release: April 10th, 2017
Label: audio­trauma
Genre: , , ,
Discogs: Link

Wanna break stuff?

'Gate' is the debut album from the new french Industrial band 'Horskh'. "Industrial from France?": you might ask now. Yeah, you hear right and they rock like 'The Prodigy' in the revolu­tion­ary mid 90s. The album 'Gate' is a bom­bast­ic, acous­tic fire­works without com­prom­ises.

Pow, right in the kisser!

Beside the Industrial sound the album has also a kind of a typ­ic­al Electropunk atti­tude. Almost like a soundtrack for a street riot, break­ing stuff or sceam­ing all shit out. Be pre­pared to listen to some raw music that is 100% dance­able. The band itself call it: "An oscil­la­tion between dance­floor and pogo!". Always remem­ber: Even if the album sounds breath­tak­ing and stress­ful, don't do any­thing I wouldn't do too.

The rocket launches

The open­er ‘Victim’ has a clas­sic mid-tempo dance beat, but then there's this ever-present, peck­ing sound that scratches bru­tally on the nerve ends of your brain. It feels almost like you going to be insane. But that alone doesn't allow your blood pres­sure to skyrock­et. Even the lyr­ic­al con­tent is loc­ated rather con­tro­ver­sial. In short: An incred­ibly strong and madly awe­some start!

Paralyzed despite the adrenaline rush

The first time as I've saw the music video 'Engaged and Confused' I was para­lyzed by fas­cin­a­tion, and in the same time emo­tion­ally churned up inside. Despite simple means, the band and the dir­ect­or suc­ceeded in cap­tur­ing the dynam­ic and the aggres­sion with stun­ning visu­als.

Horskh Promo Photo 2017
Horskh (Promo Photo 2017)

'Intruder' starts with an almost clas­sic Big Beat while the tempo is slightly reduced. However, the vocals sound still threat­en­ing and demanding.

Combine masters to become a god

The music­al influ­ences are clearly heard in the fol­low­ing song. 'Against' reminds me son­ic­ally of a 'Faderhead' and 'Angelspit' mix­ture. A really fresh and suc­cess­ful com­bin­a­tion with enough own char­ac­ter. Definitely a track for the dancefloor!

The next num­ber meets quite dif­fer­ent syn­apses. 'Strayed Away' uses typ­ic­al ele­ments from the dance­able Harsh Electro sec­tion but without the unsu­al annoy­ing Screamo part. This gives the song hard­ness, but without the pseudo effect to be ulti­mately evil. Finally a new approach!

A matter of perspective

'Smile And Threat' is prob­ably the most defens­ive ver­sion of a typ­ic­al 'Horskh' song. The track has a fat beat, but it seems to be more relax­ing than the pre­vi­ous tracks.

Make the dance­floor ready for the next gren­ade. The awe­some track 'Morbid Positive' sounds like a cheer­ful party anthem. Again, the vocals remind me very much of the clas­sic album 'The Fat Of The Land' by 'The Prodigy'.

No musical borders

The last piece that I would like to recom­mend in this review is 'Trigger'. The track is an abso­lutely crazy song that is hard to describe. It has quite clear Industrial vibes but almost without the use of gui­tars. In addi­tion, 'Horskh' injects very well Breakbeats in the song, cre­at­ing a fresh combination.

Close to the Bullseye

The final score could be high­er without the two instru­ment­als 'Sleep' and 'Through The'. Strictly speak­ing, the album could get an over­all score of 4.00 stars without the instru­ment­als. Track by track reviews have the most com­par­able and fairest rat­ings, but they seem some­times also brutal.

Also, the two songs 'Stay Ready (To Feel The Storm)' and 'Virus (The Truth No Longer Matters)' I only have to give an aver­age score of 3 stars. The songs aren't bad, but they are far away from the unique and catchi­ness like the rest of the album.


The paths on which 'Horskh' walk are clearly recog­niz­able, but they still fol­low their own dir­ec­tion. All Electro rebels (and zom­bies) who like pre­vi­ously men­tioned bands like 'The Prodigy', 'Faderhead' or 'Angelspit', will love the debut album 'Gate' by 'Horskh'. We also do and strongly recom­mend this album.

Track By Track Rating

Horskh Gate 1
Horskh – Gate
Engaged and Confused
Strayed Away
Smile and Threat
Morbid Positiv
Stay Ready (To Feel the Storm)
Virus (the Truth No Longer Matters)
Through The…
Engaged and Confused
Strayed Away
Through The …

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Engaged and Confused
Strayed Away
Smile and Threat
Morbid Positiv
Stay Ready (To Feel the Storm)
Virus (the Truth No Longer Matters)
Through The...
Final Score