Korn – The Path Of Totality (Deluxe Edition)


The fusion of genre gods

With the release of 'The Path Of Totality' col­lide two worlds that imme­di­ately melt togeth­er into one. The DNA strings of Nu Metal and Dubstep fits per­fectly togeth­er and cre­ate some­thing bril­liant new.

This is the birth of a clas­sic­al cros­sov­er album that keeps people talk about for dec­ades. I'm almost about to say that this is the best 'Korn' album ever!

Set the volume to 11

The single 'Narcissistic Cannibal (Feat. Skrillex And Kill The Noise)' is one of the most energy-loaded songs I've ever listened to. It sounds raw through Jonathan Davis voice and the typ­ic­al 'Korn' bass and gui­tar. At the same time it's bru­tally pre­cise when the Dubstep beats and noises inter­act with the song.

I also recom­mend you the song 'Get Up! (feat. Skrillex)'. This one comes with a high dynam­ic range in music and vocals. From expli­cit shout­ing to super soft melod­ic chorus.

Further this song includes a vibrat­ing noisy Dubstep bridge that sounds simply breath­tak­ing. But a fact is that there is no weak track on this record. Hereby I strongly recom­mend to buy this album, because I'm sure that the album 'The Path Of Totality' will remain as stand­ard work in the music his­tory.

Track By Track Rating

Korn The Path Of Totality
Korn – The Path Of Totality (Deluxe Edition)
Chaos Lives In Everything (feat. Skrillex)
Kill Mercy Within (feat. Noisia)
My Wall (feat. Excision and Downlink)
Narcissistic Cannibal (feat. Skrillex and Kill The Noise)
Illuminati (feat. Excision and Downlink)
Burn The Obedient (feat. Noisia)
Sanctuary (feat. Downlink)
Let's Go (feat. Noisia)
Get Up! (feat. Skrillex)
Way Too Far (feat. 12th Planet)
Bleeding Out (feat. Feed Me)
Fuels The Comedy (Bonus Track feat. Kill The Noise)
Tension (Bonus Track feat. Excision, Datsik and Downlink)
Narcissistic Cannibal (feat. Skrillex and Kill The Noise)
Get Up! (feat. Skrillex)
(Nothing to report here)
Perfect Fusion

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Chaos Lives In Everything (feat. Skrillex)
Kill Mercy Within (feat. Noisia)
My Wall (feat. Excision and Downlink)
Narcissistic Cannibal (feat. Skrillex and Kill The Noise)
Illuminati (feat. Excision and Downlink)
Burn The Obedient (feat. Noisia)
Sanctuary (feat. Downlink)
Let's Go (feat. Noisia)
Get Up! (feat. Skrillex)
Way Too Far (feat. 12th Planet)
Bleeding Out (feat. Feed Me)
Fuels The Comedy (Bonus Track feat. Kill The Noise)
Tension (Bonus Track feat. Excision, Datsik and Downlink)
Final Score