Monica Jeffries – Into Temptation

Monica Jeffries Into Temptation

Album facts

Release: April 29th, 2016
Label: Trisol
Genre: , , , ,
Discogs: Link

Good music, bad marketing

It's unbe­liev­able, but the album 'Into Temptation' is now already 1 year on the mar­ket. We are sur­prised that we didn't hear any­thing of this excel­lent album at the release date. After a short search, we find only few oth­er reviews for this album. And the ones we find are all done by a new­er date.

Luckily we came across the music video 'Window Of Hope' by chance. Furthermore we received the cur­rently present album for review. And if you haven't heard about 'Monica Jeffries' or the album 'Into Temptation' yet, get ready for a music­al sur­prise from Darkwave, Industrial, EBM and Synth Pop.

A heavenly genre combination

We jump right into the album with the second track called 'No More'. Here 'Monica Jeffries' shows her tal­ent to com­bine dif­fer­ent music styles in one homo­gen­ic sound exper­i­ence. The bpm speed and the mel­an­chol­ic voice is typ­ic­al for a Darkwave song. The hard, crisp beat is oblig­at­ory for an EBM track. The catchy chor­us is played with gui­tars and sounds with the play­ful light­ness like a Synth Pop classic.

This basic frame goes through the entire album. However, atten­tion is paid to the fact that the style-influ­en­cing instru­ments are often replaced in order to remain versatile.

That sounds like …

'New Moon Rising' starts with a gui­tar sound like typ­ic­al known from some 'The Cure' songs, but when it comes to the beat we're back some­where in the EBM sec­tor. The melody which is played by a deep, dark synth piano will find an echo of 'Project Pitchfork' fans. But even when we are com­par­ing song parts with oth­er artists, it's unique enough to be a 'Monica Jeffries' song.

Industrial influences

A fant­ast­ic high­light on 'Into Temptation' is surly the num­ber 'Window Of Hope'. Mid-tempo, catchi­ness and here, the Industrial genre is clearly the god­fath­er. A bril­liant track you should def­in­itely listen to.

The album gets more speed with the song 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'. Here too, Industrial gui­tars are in the fore­ground in a dysto­pi­an setting.

Songs with a deep inpact

The track 'The Road Ahead (Hybrid Version)' is catchy as the already men­tioned 'Window Of Hope'. The Synth Pop genes are very strong in this song. After 'Window Of Hope' this is my second favour­ite track on 'Into Temptation'. It has everything what a good Synth Pop song needs: Good dance beats, a catchy chor­us and deep-minded lyr­ics.

On 'Into Temptation' we also have an awe­some, pro­found bal­lad that is entitled 'Drowning In Love'. This song really moved me very emo­tion­ally. It's a dreamy love song with a bit­ter­sweet under­tone. Especially I like the lyr­ic­al part: "I'm drown­ing in love, but please don't you save me", keeps echo­ing in my mind.

An open-minded view

We also find a fab­ulous cov­er ver­sion of 'Surrender No Resistance' from the EBM band 'Absolute Body Control' on the Monica Jeffries long-play­er. To be hon­est, I really nev­er ever listened to any tracks of 'Absolute Body Control'. I know that their are vet­er­ans of the EBM genre, but the hard music has nev­er really appealed to me. After listen­ing to this cov­er ver­sion I'm curi­ous. Thank you 'Monica Jeffries' for this open-minded view.

A real temptation

What makes 'Monica Jeffries' spe­cial and unique? The songs are bleak dance tracks, the voice is per­fect deep and mel­an­chol­ic for Darkwave, and the genre mix­ture is in search for a com­par­able competitive.

We love this album and hope that the career of 'Monica Jeffries' will find it's way up to the top. Go and sup­port the artist by buy­ing the exclus­ive 'Into Temptation (Artist-Edition)' in a Digipak on their Bandcamp page now.

Track By Track Rating

Monica Jeffries Into Temptation
Monica Jeffries – Into Temptation
Into Temptation
No More
New Moon Rising (Extended Version)
Window Of Hope
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Road Ahead (Hybrid Version)
In Circles
Old Demons (Album Version)
Drowning In Love (Extended Album Version)
Waiting For Godot (Moonlight Version)
Surrender No Resistance(Absolute Body Control Cover)
One Hundred Twenty (Eight BPM)
No More
Window Of Hope
The Road Ahead (Hybrid Version)
One Hundred Twenty-Eight BPM

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Into Temptation
No More
New Moon Rising (Extended Version)
Window Of Hope
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Road Ahead (Hybrid Version)
In Circles
Old Demons (Album Version)
Drowning In Love (Extended Album Version)
Waiting For Godot (Moonlight Version)
Surrender No Resistance(Absolute Body Control Cover)
One Hundred Twenty (Eight BPM)
Final Score