Night Club – Requiem For Romance


Visually iconic

'Night Club' is a young amer­ic­an band con­sist­ing by Emily Kavanaugh and Mark Brooks. Since 2013 they had dif­fer­ent out­puts like Singles, EPs, and an O.S.T. for the series 'Moonbeam City', but this is their first full-length album. As ‘Night Club’ provides me this album for review­ing my first thought was: "Wow, what an amaz­ing cov­er art­work! I'm in love with that simple and icon­ic design.".

An unusual rating

Unbelievable, but the instru­ment­al open­er gets a 3 star rat­ing from Electrozombies! Everybody who read con­tinu­ously our reviews knows this is some­thing unusu­al, because we don't like instru­ment­als at all. But the track 'Requiem' also uses this ghostly, whin­ing voice that reminds me onto the song 'Shake The Disease' by 'Depeche Mode'. And it isn't too long start­ing to bore me.

What does 'Requiem For Romance' sounds like?

The second song and single release 'Bad Girl' is def­in­itely the strongest one on this record. So it's a per­fect start to intro­duce the albums son­ic­ally dir­ec­tion. 'Bad Girl' sounds fresh, catchy and it really comes with big bass beat. For me this song is already a club clas­sic. Furthermore 'Emily' might be a 'Bad Girl', but she has an remark­able voice with a admir­able bandwidth.

I would also like to point on the out­stand­ing song 'Dear Enemy'. The chor­us of this track is almost hyp­not­iz­ing and comes with an 80s vibe. The song "Freak Like Me" is also par­tic­u­larly strong. This one has a very cool Electrorock paint­ing in the chor­us that kicks your ass. The fol­low­ing song "Magnetic" hits in the same notch with the snotty rock­star atti­tude.

Overall I love the sound of 'Night Club' in gen­er­al. What I really missed on this album are more var­ied of the songs. Everything sounds almost sim­il­ar which I find a bit pity. But I recom­mend you to give 'Requiem For Romance' at least a try. When you see it as a debut, then it's a really inspir­ing album. I will keep an eye on 'Night Club', they have a big poten­tial.

Track By Track Rating

Night Club Requiem For Romance
Night Club – Requiem For Romance
Bad Girl
Show It 2 Me
Dear Enemy
Freak Like Me
Dangerous Heart
Little Token
Bad Girl
Little Token

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Bad Girl
Show It 2 Me
Dear Enemy
Freak Like Me
Dangerous Heart
Little Token
Final Score