Noir – Darkly Near


Surprising Newcomer

Best dark­wave sound with a deep voice and strong elec­tron­ic arrange­ments and melod­ies. After all the album is still a moun­tain and val­ley ride. There are some really strong songs on this record. Absolutely ador­able songs, but some total fail­ures as well.

A promising debut

Especially worth listen­ing to the songs are 'My Dear', 'Timephase' and the gor­geous, dark cov­er of The Cure's 'A Forest'.

The bit­ter val­leys on this record are the songs 'The Voyeurs', that sounds like a demo ver­sion to me, and even more the song 'The Tragics' that remind me at some 70s eso­ter­ic exper­i­ment­al sound.

But I think a debut album must have some rough edges and sound a bit raw, so that their is enough air for increase. If you love dark­wave music, then I def­in­itely can recom­mend you this album.

Track By Track Rating

noir darkly near
Noir – Darkly Near
My Dear
The Bells
The Grifter
A Forest
The Voyeurs
The Tragics
When the Rains Came
The Satin Box
In Every Dream Home a Heartache
My Dear
A Forest
The Voyeurs
The Tragics
In Every Dream Home a Heartache
Good debut

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My Dear
The Bells
The Grifter
A Forest
The Voyeurs
The Tragics
When the Rains Came
The Satin Box
In Every Dream Home a Heartache
Final Score