PreCog – Pareidolia

PreCog - PareidoliaAlbum Facts

Release: Dec 8 2017
Label: Analogue Trash
Genre: , , , ,
Discogs: Link

Brain Tricks

Pareidolia is a little happy, a little sad, and worth a listen. PreCog, con­sist­ing of Jason Thomas, Gerald Josef, and Bret Pamelton, con­tin­ues the style from their 2016 album Are We Lost? in this 2017 release.

Pareidolia is the phe­nomen­on of human brains dis­cern­ing a pat­tern in an image or sound where there isn't one in real­ity. Whether by chance or on pur­pose, this album has giv­en me a case of par­eido­lia. Overall the album sticks to one style – mourn­ful vocals and driv­ing syn­thes­izer beats with inter­spersed gui­tar, and orches­tral sounds – but it's done well.

'Pareidolia' is no delusion

The album opens up with 'A Wall Around' which sets the stage for what is to come. This song is upbeat, some­thing you'd listen to on a sunny walk through the park.

'Vital Signs' slows it down at the begin­ning but the chor­us is fast paced and lets you sing along. This song in par­tic­u­lar gives me early 00's alt rock radio sta­tion vibes, and I love it.

I hide my face from myself from all my sins
Lyric line from 'Vital Signs' by PreCog

A more indus­tri­al / grung‑y style rears its head in 'Please Stand By.' It reminds me of the theme song from the TV show Charmed, which is actu­ally a cov­er of Morrissey's 'How Soon is Now' by Love Spit Love. This song has a sing along chor­us, and that in com­bin­a­tion with the back­ground gui­tar will trans­port you back to the late 90s.

Strange association came across

'Take Everything' is a music­al depar­ture from the last song, a breathy bal­lad that would be right at home at a goth prom. And now this might sound like a weird com­par­is­on con­sid­er­ing how I just described it, but the breath effects remind me of Maroon 5's 'Harder to Breathe' off of their Songs About Jane album. 'Take Everything' is the more mor­ose young­er broth­er of 'Harder to Breathe' with its own unique style.

If you take a part of me, you bet­ter take everything
Lyrics from 'Take Everything' by PreCog

'Misery' is a dark song that trans­ports you to a dreamy world, where you're not sure what is a night­mare and what is not. There are orches­tral string sounds inter­spersed through­out which add to the dream­like atmo­sphere. 'Complete' keeps you in the dream world PreCog has cre­ated with this slow, melod­ic song.

Floating and Dancing

PreCog (Promo picture 2017)
PreCog (Promo pic­ture 2017)

'Compete' ends with a few seconds of near silence, which is a cool trick to trans­ition into the next song 'Forgotten How to Love'. Up-tempo and dance­able, 'Forgotten How to Love' takes you off the cloud you were just float­ing, on and drops you in the middle of a dance floor with driv­ing beats and syn­thes­izer stings.

'EMMR' con­tin­ues the dark dance feel­ing of this album. Thomas' vocals are breathy and mod­i­fied, fit­ting into the dream­like atmo­sphere from earli­er in the album.

Self Dissolving

One of my per­son­al favor­ites is 'Remains.' The lyr­ic "'til noth­ing remains" is echoed about in the chor­us, which along with the dark, crawl­ing music makes you feel like you're dis­in­teg­rat­ing until noth­ing remains. Fortunately, for us listen­ers, 'Paler Still' puts you back togeth­er. It evokes and uplift­ing and inspir­a­tion­al feel­ing, put­ting you on the upswing of an emo­tion­al roller coaster.

'Letters from the Past' and 'Overtaken' both con­tin­ue you on the emo­tion­al upswing. The former is mid-tempo with a touch of mel­an­choly. The later ups the tempo some more but not quite aggress­ive club speed. It's bob your head, tap your foot cas­u­ally, tempo.

Soul Consuming

'Powerless' is full of anti­cip­a­tion. It starts slow and quiet, with vocals on paired down synth and drum sounds. As you start giv­ing in to the song and let­ting 'it con­sume your soul' the back­ground music swells and the vocals become more powerful.

'Voices' and 'Never Made a Sound' fin­ish the album out strong. They're both sig­na­ture PreCog, mel­an­choly mixed with hope, layered in a sound­scape of syn­thes­izers, gui­tars, and strings.


Pareidolia is no sopho­more slump, PreCog put out a strong album. The entire album has an eth­er­e­al feel that comes mostly from Thomas' vocals with strong back­ing music that tugs at your emotions.

I would have liked to see a broad­er range of style on this album, but PreCog does what they do well. As you listen you're trans­por­ted to their dream world, dis­cern­ing pat­terns in the clouds. If you're look­ing to float, check this album out.

Track By Track Rating

PreCog - Pareidolia
PreCog – Pareidolia
A Wall Around
Vital Signs
Please Stand By
Take Everything
Forgotten How To Love
Paler Still
Letters From The Past
Never Made A Sound
(Nothing to report here)

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A Wall Around
Vital Signs
Please Stand By
Take Everything
Forgotten How To Love
Paler Still
Letters From The Past
Never Made A Sound
Final Score