Anode (An Electrozombies tribute to And One)

Anode - An Electrozombies tribute to And One

A German success story in EBM

Quietly this year the debut album 'Anguish' by the German EBM / synth pop band 'And One' cel­eb­rated its 30th anniversary. We took this as an oppor­tun­ity to ded­ic­ate a trib­ute to this icon­ic band. And the club clas­sic 'Metallhammer' has been around for as long as that! The epi­tome of the machine cold, German EBM sound. This is only topped by the ever­green 'Techno Man' from the album 'Flop!'. It was this song that first drew my atten­tion to And One.

Why are we doing a tribute to And One?

I think it's a pity that with many bands the release cycle gets longer and longer with the dec­ades of exist­ence. The peri­ods of drought for the fans become more and more unbear­able. With this trib­ute, we would like to shorten the wait­ing time until the next long player.

So the first reas­on is very obvi­ous and under­stand­able. The second reas­on is prob­ably a bit more cereb­ral. We all (And One fans) know that Steve Naghavi is a big Depeche Mode fan. Everyone knows the child­hood pic­tures of him in his bed­room with the DM posters. Didn't we all look like that? When I stumbled across one of these pic­tures, the thought came to me: "There are count­less Depeche Mode trib­ute com­pil­a­tions. Why not And One?".

After a little research, I came across the 2019 trib­ute 'Cover Sind Cover' again. Generally a good trib­ute, but with one flaw. Too many repe­ti­tions of tracks 'Techno Man' is fea­tured three times, 'Get You Closer' and 'Für' twice. So a trib­ute with more vari­ation was my goal. Thus 'Anode (An Electrozombies trib­ute to And One)' was born.

German precision work: We count 10 And One cover versions

As almost always, I'm happy when the Russian band 'Fatal Aim' join us. I love their crisp syn­thes­izer sound, pre­cise exe­cu­tion and fant­ast­ic vocals. And like every time, I hope for a debut album from the band. To fea­ture the open­er is oblig­at­ory in this case.

But also oth­er very dear bands and artists like 'Alphamay', 'Ultranoire' or 'Orpheus In Red Velvet' are back on board. Thank you that I can rely on you and that you always deliv­er good songs. I hope that you will get more fans with each of these outputs.

Last men­tioned, but not least are the "new kids on the block". On the com­pil­a­tion you'll also find a few new bands that I found via our new acquis­i­tion chan­nel Submithub, as well as scene greats like 'Beat Noir Deluxe', 'Auger' or 'Beata Beatrix'.

The tracklist of 'Anode (An Electrozombies tribute to And One)'

  1. Fatal Aim – The Only Guest
  2. Noble Savage – Wild Pain
  3. Ultranoire – Friends In Heaven
  4. Split Vision – Shining Star
  5. Mind Machine – Sometimes
  6. Alphamay – Techno Man (Feat. Luftkraft)
  7. Beata Beatrix – My Angel
  8. Beat Noir Deluxe – Killing The Mercy
  9. Orpheus In Red Velvet – Consequence Of Time
  10. Auger – Military Fashion Show

Release date

The trib­ute com­pil­a­tion will be released world­wide December 21st, 2021. It's avail­able on the major digit­al chan­nels iTunes, Amazon MP3, Deezer, Spotify and YouTube Music. Support us by buy­ing this trib­ute and enjoy all new inter­pret­a­tions on ‘Anode (An Electrozombies trib­ute to And One)’. The release on all major stream­ing ser­vices will fol­low in December 2020.

Get 'Anode (An Electrozombies tribute to And One)' here:

Spotify | Deezer

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  1. Is there a link to buy this? :) Can only see the stream­ing links at the moment :)


    1. Unfortunately, the trib­ute com­pil­a­tion is still stuck in the deliv­ery pro­cess on iTunes. I don't know if the release between the hol­i­days was a smart decision. But I will push this again.

        1. Hi Josephine, I would like to offer our trib­ute com­pil­a­tions on our Bandcamp account, but for leg­al reas­ons this is not an easy option. Only through paid stream­ings and sales are the roy­al­ties auto­mat­ic­ally paid to the ori­gin­al artist. I am sorry.

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