12 Illusions – A Kind Of Violence

12 Illusions - A Kind Of Violence'12 Illusions' latest offer­ing 'A Kind Of Violence' is a haunt­ingly beau­ti­ful piece that mas­ter­fully blends ele­ments of synth pop, elec­tro pop and new wave to cre­ate a sound that is uniquely their own. The song opens with a gentle piano melody that is both naive and play­ful, draw­ing the listen­er in with its del­ic­ate charm.

As the song pro­gresses, it gradu­ally builds in intens­ity, with the mid-tempo beat driv­ing the track for­ward and cre­at­ing a sense of urgency. The chor­us is the standout moment of the song, with its epic and har­mo­ni­ous sound tak­ing cen­ter stage and leav­ing a last­ing impression.

Despite its pop sens­ib­il­it­ies, 'A Kind Of Violence' man­ages to stay true to its niche roots, offer­ing some­thing that is both access­ible and authen­t­ic. The song's mood is sad, epic and dark, cap­tur­ing a sense of long­ing and mel­an­choly that is sure to res­on­ate with listeners.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to '12 Illusions – A Kind Of Violence' on Spotify

Listen to '12 Illusions – A Kind Of Violence' on Bandcamp

12 Illusions about 'A Kind Of Violence'

This is our third single. The most syn­thpop Depeche Mode like elec­tro-pop single, per­fect for fest­ivals, sing along and wav­ing arms!

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