Aesthetic Perfection – Monochrome

"Monochrome" by Aesthetic Perfection – a melancholic synth pop / dark wave journey that touches and inspires.

Aesthetic Perfection - MonochromeWith "Monochrome", Aesthetic Perfection once again treads a quiet, thought­ful path and presents us with a synth pop/dark wave song that is par­tic­u­larly appeal­ing to listen­ers of purely elec­tron­ic sounds. "Monochrome" radi­ates a mel­an­chol­ic yet power­ful atmo­sphere that cap­tiv­ates the listen­er from start to fin­ish and bom­bards them with ques­tions. (What is love? What is hate? etc.)

For me per­son­ally, this song is one of the best since the hit "Bark At The Moon". "Monochrome" is a mid-tempo mas­ter­piece that cap­tiv­ates with its multi-layered instru­ment­a­tion and subtle twists and turns. Fans will be drawn in by mel­an­chol­ic lyr­i­cism that is thought-pro­vok­ing and offers an emo­tion­al depth that is so char­ac­ter­ist­ic of Aesthetic Perfection.

From my per­spect­ive, the depar­ture from the heavy met­al gui­tar sounds that have char­ac­ter­ised many recent works is par­tic­u­larly note­worthy. Instead, "Monochrome" takes a more har­mon­ic dir­ec­tion that brings back memor­ies of my favour­ite album "Til Death". This track is a remind­er of what makes Aesthetic Perfection so unique: their abil­ity to com­bine dark themes with catchy melod­ies without los­ing their exper­i­ment­al edge. For me, this is typ­ic­al indus­tri­al pop, even if Daniel might see it differently.

For fans of elec­tron­ic music and the goth­ic scene, "Monochrome" offers a refresh­ing mix of nos­tal­gic synth pop and mod­ern dark wave that def­in­itely invites you to dance.

More of this, please! This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Aesthetic Perfection – Monochrome" on Spotify

Listen to "Aesthetic Perfection – Monochrome" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Aesthetic Perfection – Monochrome"

Senses fail to feel
Senses fail to see
The col­or of our world
Senses fail­ing me
I'm colorblind
Living life in monochrome
I'm colorblind
Living life in monochrome

What is love?
What is hate?
Why does everything I feel feel out of place?
What is wrong?
With my brain?
Why does every col­or always turn to gray?

So is this god's design?
Some cos­mic cruelty?
Imprisoned in my mind
No hope of normalcy
I'm colorblind
Living life in monochrome

What is love?
What is hate?
Why does everything I feel feel out of place?
What is wrong?
With my brain?
Why does every col­or always turn to gray?

No col­or
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color

I don a mask to cope with
All that my eyes don't understand
I don a mask you know it
I'm imit­at­ing to survive

What is love?
What is hate?
Why does everything I feel feel out of place?
What is wrong?
With my brain?
Why does every col­or always turn to gray?
I'll only let you down
I'll only let you down
I only ever wanted to be sane
What is love?
What is hate?
Why does every col­or always turn to gray?

No col­or
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color
No color

Aesthetic Perfection about "Monochrome"

I’m excited to share with you my new single, ‘mono­chrome,' a mid-tempo elec­tron­ic track that explores the chal­lenges faced by those who aren't neur­o­typ­ic­al. With a punchy, mech­an­ic­al beat and haunt­ing low-fi melod­ies, ‘mono­chrome' cap­tures the com­plex emo­tions of nav­ig­at­ing a world full of col­or, that, to many, only appears in shades of gray.

As someone who has per­son­ally exper­i­enced these struggles, I felt com­pelled to cre­ate a power­ful and relat­able anthem for any­one who has felt like they don't quite fit in. ‘mono­chrome' is not just a song; it's a state­ment, a voice for those whose voices often go unheard.

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