Andrew Flynn – Narcissist

Andrew Flynn - NarcissistIn Andrew Flynn's song, "Narcissist", the artist takes us into a world of dark waves and ener­get­ic sounds. The track presents itself with a naive atti­tude and a demo-like sound that is both fas­cin­at­ing and raw. Although the song has rough edges and doesn't seem fully developed, it har­bours undeni­able potential.

The dark mood of the song imme­di­ately casts a spell over the listen­er. The synth pop char­ac­ter gives the track a unique fla­vour that oscil­lates between sombre mel­an­choly and pulsat­ing energy. Despite the obvi­ous imper­fec­tions, "Narcissist" is fun and gives hope for future works. Future songs may need to offer a dens­er and bet­ter mastered sound to real­ise their full poten­tial. Nevertheless, this track is def­in­itely worth listen­ing to and prom­ises an excit­ing devel­op­ment in Andrew Flynn's music­al journey.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Andrew Flynn – Narcissist' on Soundcloud

Lyrics of 'Andrew Flynn – Narcissist'

Your Beauty Swept Me Away
Never Knew How Much I would Pay
Capsized My Heart
World Falls Apart

You Drew Me Into You Spell
I threw Myself Into Hell
See Through Your Lies
Helpless No Less

You Don’t Own Me Know
Left On The Floor Esteem At War
You Don't Control Me Now
The Narcissist Love Arsonist

I Never Knew Were I Stood
My Soul Was Covered With Blood
You Played Your Part
Destroyed My Heart

I Never Felt So Ashamed
My Mind In Prison In Chains
Those Silent Cries
Part Of Me Dies

You Don’t Own Me Know
Left On The Floor Esteem At War
You Don't Control Me Now
The Narcissist Love Arsonist

I Am Stronger Now
I Came Back Some How
Healed My Soul Anyhow

Hurt Myself This Time
It was Not My Crime
Love Not So Divine

Journey Was So Rough
I Know I’m Enough
You Showed Me Self Love

I Will Now Avow
Real Love Find Me Now
Taking Life Back Now.….

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