Child Of Night – Overcame

Child Of Night - The FoolWelcome to the dark world of the American band "Child Of Night" and their ener­get­ic song "Overcame". This dark wave num­ber is a real treas­ure for lov­ers of the 80s. The single "The Fool" has this fast dark wave track ready for us, which imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ates us with its nos­tal­gic charm.

"Overcame" cap­tiv­ates with an abund­ance of impress­ive syn­thes­izer sounds that make the heart of every synth pop fan beat faster. The com­pos­i­tion cre­ates a dark atmo­sphere that takes us on a jour­ney back in time to the new wave era. The influ­ences of that time are clearly notice­able and let us reminisce.

The vocals are par­tic­u­larly impress­ive, fit­ting per­fectly into the genre and cap­tiv­at­ing us with their extraordin­ary voice. Moreover, Niabi Caldwell doesn't need to hide from 80s icons like "Siouxsie Sioux" or "Taylor Danye" in terms of vocals. The com­par­is­ons may seem unusu­al, but they illus­trate the excep­tion­al qual­ity of Child Of Night's vocals.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to "Child Of Night – Overcame" on Spotify

Listen to "Child Of Night – Overcame" on Bandcamp

Child Of Night about "Overcame"

This is a song about not being des­troyed by the things in life you can't con­trol. It's about strength in the face of over­whelm­ing adversity. It's about find­ing the things you love in a world that wants to take everything from you.

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