Close To Monday – Lie

Close To Monday - LieClose To Monday's latest track "Lie" takes us into the world of synth pop and elec­tro pop with an ener­get­ic, dance­able atmo­sphere. Harmonious and catchy, the song presents itself as a sol­id pro­duc­tion without striv­ing for a music­al revolu­tion. Based on the Swedish band 'Daybehavior', the sound is remin­is­cent of elec­tron­ic melod­ies of days gone by.

The first sounds prom­ise a rous­ing jour­ney through pulsat­ing synth land­scapes. "Close To Monday" relies on tried and tested ele­ments of the genre, but the track lacks the neces­sary inde­pend­ence to really stand out. The first half cap­tiv­ates the listen­er, but a cer­tain mono­tony creeps in from the middle onwards, which dilutes the focus somewhat.

Nevertheless, "Lie" is a sol­id piece of elec­tron­ic music, per­fect for the dance floor, which impresses with its skil­ful pro­duc­tion and har­mo­ni­ous arrange­ments. Fans of catchy synth pop will enjoy it, even if the song doesn't bring any ground-break­ing innov­a­tions with it.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Close To Monday – Lie' on Spotify

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