Cold Connection – Bright

Cold Connection - BrightThe Swedish synth-pop band 'Cold Connection' once again proves their abil­ity to time travel music­ally and refresh the genre with their latest release 'Bright'. A clas­sic synth pop song that catches the ear canals right from the start and plays with a touch of nos­tal­gia. Here, the musi­cians skil­fully make use of the famil­i­ar sounds of the 80s, but still cre­ate a fresh and enga­ging sound that imme­di­ately sticks.

'Bright' is more than just a song; it is a mel­an­chol­ic and emo­tion­al jour­ney through the spheres of synth pop. The dreamy melod­ies and nos­tal­gic sound­scapes cre­ate an atmo­sphere that inev­it­ably trans­ports the listen­er back to dec­ades past. But the real strength of the song lies in its depth, which is not only lim­ited to the sound, but can also be found in the haunt­ing lyrics.

The lyr­ic­al level of 'Bright' is a hymn to the long­ing for change and a bet­ter place. The song con­jures up the image of a shared jour­ney through the stars in search of a world char­ac­ter­ised by love. Cold Connection clev­erly weaves togeth­er themes of sci­ence fic­tion and romance, mak­ing for an intriguing com­bin­a­tion that appeals to fans of futur­ist­ic stor­ies as well as those who crave emo­tion­al depth.

'The track 'Bright' is one of Cold Connection's first demos that was nev­er released. This single from their upcom­ing EP prom­ises to be an excit­ing insight into the band's music­al devel­op­ment and leaves us eagerly await­ing more tracks that are sure to make synth-pop lov­ers' hearts beat faster.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Cold Connection – Bright' on Spotify

Watch the offficial music video of 'Cold Connection – Bright'

Listen to 'Cold Connection – Bright' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Cold Connection – Bright'

Blinded by the vis­ion I face the simulation
Victim of ambi­tion no time for hesitation
Finally on a jour­ney to vanity
Parity in the mir­rors of clar­ity, sanity

Entering ourselves we are facing isolation
Now it's time to leave for a jour­ney to sub­mis­sion Rendering on our image of suffering
Glistering, over­whelm­ing and shiv­er­ing, whispering


Light embod­ied alter­ing our desperation
Bright and lucid glim­mer­ing arcs of domination
Agony, lead our bod­ies to levity
Purity, feel the move­ment of trin­ity, unity.


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