Computerbandit – Back

Computerbandit - Back'Computerbandit' is tak­ing us on a futur­ist­ic joyride with their latest syn­thwave track 'Back'. The song is taken from the self-titled 3‑track EP 'Back'. Hailing from Germany, these tech-savvy musi­cians blend the worlds of elec­tron­ic sound­scapes and punk aes­thet­ic ele­ments to cre­ate a moody, cold and super slick track.

'Back' has a tech­nic­al and vocal edge that is as under­cooled as a robot's cir­cuits. If you're expect­ing a warm and fuzzy song like the last single 'Lose Control', you're in the wrong place my friend. The lyr­ics hit hard, almost like a mani­festo for the cyber­punk move­ment, with a relent­less beat that is sure to get your heart racing.

Comparing Computerbandit to 'Com Truise' and 'Kavinsky', 'Back' is a track that wouldn't feel out of place on the soundtrack of your favour­ite dysto­pi­an sci-fi movie. This is not your stand­ard dance track, but a song that com­mands atten­tion and leaves you feel­ing like you've been trans­por­ted to a futur­ist­ic, neon-soaked world. So, if you're look­ing for some­thing edgy, slick and just plain cool, 'Back' by Computerbandit is the track for you.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Computerbandit – Back' on Spotify

Listen to 'Computerbandit – Back' on Bandcamp

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