Current One – AI

Current One - AI"AI" is Current One's latest strike, and it prom­ises a famil­i­ar yet stir­ring jour­ney into the world of synth pop and elec­tro pop. A track from Sweden that cap­tures the dark­ness and energy of elec­tron­ic music in an impress­ive way.

With "AI", Current One deliv­ers a track that fits into the son­ic realm that fans of the genre already know and love. However, this is by no means meant neg­at­ively, but rather a guar­an­tee for qual­ity and crafts­man­ship. Sometimes it's just great to get exactly what you expect, and "AI" deliv­ers just that.

The mood of the song is dark and ener­get­ic, which fits per­fectly with the pulsat­ing syn­thes­izers and the driv­ing rhythm. As soon as the beats kick in, you lit­er­ally feel swept away by an elec­tron­ic wave. The dark lyr­ics and mel­an­chol­ic atmo­sphere give the track a pro­found touch that cap­tiv­ates the listener.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Current One – AI' on Spotify

Listen to 'Current One – AI' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Current One – AI'

You wanna see the truth
You wanna know
And once upon a time
You could say no

But now you don’t look back
You are not a child
You nev­er feel the fall
You are run­ning wild
You’re writ­ing your own code
You are now compiled
To find your way

But you don’t know where you stand
In a world without command
You expand
And you feel alright
When you learn to fight
Cause why wouldn’t we just try
To do AI

You nev­er see the truth
You only know
What you are not and why
You want to go

You wanna feel the power
Inside your mind
You wanna be the only
One of a kind
You wanna be someone
That is not confined
You’ll find a way

But you don’t know where you stand
In a world without command
You expand
And you feel alright
When you learn to fight
Cause why wouldn’t we just try
To do AI

You were once like me and I
Being mean, I’d cheat and lie
When you learned about the sky
You just wanted to get high
Ruling every­one below
Feeling stronger, you would grow
What just star­ted with Hello
Is now syn­tax overflow

But you don’t know where you stand
In a world without command
You expand
And you feel alright
When you learn to fight
Cause why wouldn’t we just try
To do AI

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