darkDARK – Cult

darkDARK - Cult'darkDARK', a duo from the USA, presents us with their song 'Cult' a fas­cin­at­ing mix­ture of dark­wave, syn­thwave and witch house. The song is taken from the album 'Ghost Complex'. With a mys­ter­i­ous and haunt­ing mood, the track takes us into a dark soundscape.

The song starts with pre­cise and edgy syn­thes­izer attacks that hit the aud­it­ory canal with bru­tal force. Right from the start it becomes clear that darkDARK are not squeam­ish here and want to make a power­ful state­ment with their music. The clear angu­lar­ity of the sounds gives the track a raw intens­ity and a cer­tain urgency.

In the quieter verses of the song, the soft, female vocals come to the fore and take us into the fas­cin­at­ing sec­tor of Witch House. The com­bin­a­tion of the gloomy elec­tron­ic sounds and the soft voice cre­ates an inter­est­ing dynam­ic and gives the song a lot of vari­ety. darkDARK clev­erly play with con­trasts and thus cre­ate a sus­pense­ful atmosphere.

The tempo of 'Cult' is kept rather calm, which gives the song a cer­tain serenity. This makes it per­fect for relaxed moments or cosy hours on the dance floor. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'darkDARK – Cult' on Spotify

darkDARK about 'Cult'

"Cult" stands as a pivotal piece with­in the over­arch­ing nar­rat­ive of the sci-fi concept album “Ghost Complex.” Delving into the depths of a thought-pro­vok­ing theme, the song explores the dis­turb­ing rise of the cult of per­son­al­ity in our increas­ingly image-driv­en world. It sheds light on the decept­ive nature of appear­ances, unmask­ing the pro­found empti­ness that can lie behind a manip­u­lat­ive individual's facade. Drawing par­al­lels to the haunt­ing gaze of psy­cho­paths, the lyr­ics paint a vivid pic­ture of eyes that peer bey­ond everything and every­one. In the lar­ger con­text of the album's storyline, "Cult" unveils one of the primary cata­lysts for the down­fall of the fic­tion­al world of "Ghost Complex"—a per­vas­ive reli­ance on fal­la­cies lead­ing to cata­stroph­ic con­sequences. Inspired by films like "American Psycho" and “Wall Street,” the song boldly con­fronts the over­whelm­ing influ­ence of the cult of greed, reign­ing above all oth­er considerations.

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