Doviak – Turn It Over

Melancholic syntheses: Doviak's 'Turn It Over

Doviak - Turn It OverWith "Turn It Over", English artist Doviak provides impress­ive proof of the emo­tion­al depth that syn­thpop can achieve. The song is a mel­an­choly, almost bal­lad-like jour­ney through dark sound­scapes that embeds itself seam­lessly in the ear canals. Through the skill­ful use of subtle elec­tron­ic effects, Doviak cre­ates an atmo­sphere that is both oppress­ive and fascinating.

Particularly note­worthy is the chor­us, which breaks through the gray cloud cov­er like a ray of light and gives the listen­er a feel­ing of relief. It is this moment of music­al cath­arsis that sets "Turn It Over" apart from oth­er synth pop tracks and makes the song an unfor­get­table experience.

Interestingly, "Turn It Over" evokes strong asso­ci­ations with Human Lynx's "This Robotic Heart" for me. This par­al­lel rein­forces the impres­sion that the song should be of great interest not only to fans of elec­tron­ic music, but also to fol­low­ers of the indie pop scene.

The lyr­ic­al con­tent reflects a crit­ic­al exam­in­a­tion of mod­ern soci­ety and the com­pul­sion to present one­self. Phrases such as "A little too much inform­a­tion" and "Just for likes, pour it out" sharply cri­ti­cize the super­fi­ci­al­ity of social media and its influ­ence on the indi­vidu­al. The refrain "We can stop, we can turn it off, we can turn it over" serves as a man­tra that calls for paus­ing and rethink­ing – a power­ful appeal to listen­ers to reflect on their daily routines and their effects.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Doviak – Turn It Over" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Doviak – Turn It Over"

It’s a funny kind of secret
That lets the world in through your door
For some col­lect­ive validation
What’s that for?
In the board­rooms and the schoolyards
Or on the back­seat of a car
You nev­er know where this thing’s going
You nev­er know how far

I know I know I know

We can stop
We can turn it off
We can turn it over
And pick the pieces up
We can stop
We can turn it off
We can turn it over
(We can turn it over)
We can stop
We can turn it off

A little too much information
It puts a search­light on your heart
Just for likes, pour it out that’s the answer
To a ques­tion no one asked
In time it all becomes too much
Way past the point of loos­ing touch
In time the pen­du­lum swings home
In time rever­sion to the mean
And we come back to where we started
Round and round
Life begins again and so on
And so on

I know I know

We can stop
We can turn it off
We can turn it over
And pick the pieces up
We can stop
We can turn it off
We can turn it over
(We can turn it over)
We can stop
We can turn it off
I know I know
We can stop
We can turn it off

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