Eckotrigger – Conspiracy

Eckotrigger - ConspiracyThe track 'Conspiracy' by the British band 'Eckotrigger' is an out­stand­ing synth-pop track that is clearly inspired by 'Depeche Mode'. The band clev­erly uses the syn­thes­izer sounds of the 80s to cre­ate a famil­i­ar atmo­sphere. With a mod­er­ate tempo and a har­mon­ic design, the song invites you to enjoy it in the car or at home with headphones.

Especially the intro and the first minute of the song are the high­lights for me. After that I would have wished for a some­what more dynam­ic sound devel­op­ment. After the bridge in the middle, the song some­how loses its momentum. But this is rather a cri­ti­cism on a high level and does not dimin­ish the great­ness of the song. Overall, I would there­fore give it 3.5 out of 5 stars, based on my per­son­al opinion.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen 'Eckotrigger – Conspiracy' on Spotify

Listen 'Eckotrigger – Conspiracy' on Bandcamp

Eckotrigger about 'Conspiracy'

The lyr­ics says "I’m in this web and I can­not leave, words go unsaid and who would believe” (not say­ing things you want to say, because you feel they will be con­sidered point­less or fall on deaf ears). It’s basic­ally about, as humans, we like a hier­archy and some rule with fear. So, deal­ing with the fear of being con­trolled, not step­ping out of line or say­ing what we really feel”. Which we should all be able to do in life, ideally.

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