Etage Neun – By Your Side

Etage Neun - By Your SideWith "By Your Side", Etage Neun from Sweden presents an elec­tro-pop-synth-pop hybrid remin­is­cent of the glory days of Depeche Mode. The dark and mel­an­choly mood of the song takes the listen­er back to a time when synth-pop conquered the airwaves.

With a hint of "See You" and a glim­mer of "Shake The Disease", the track unfolds its nos­tal­gic charm from the very first note. Etage Neun skil­fully man­ages to cap­ture the essence of clas­sic 80s synth pop while present­ing fresh, con­tem­por­ary sounds. "By Your Side" is a wel­come sur­prise for fans crav­ing the sounds that defined the golden age of the genre.

At a time when such mas­ter­pieces have become rare, Etage Neun brings back the magic of synth pop with "By Your Side". A listen­ing pleas­ure that com­bines both the nos­tal­gia of the past and the innov­a­tion of the present. Experience the reviv­al of 80s synth pop with Etage Neun and their cap­tiv­at­ing song "By Your Side".

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Etage Neun – By Your Side' on Spotify

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