Final Girl – Heiress

Final Girl - HeiressThe dark disco song 'Heiress' by the Finnish artist 'Final Girl' was cre­ated and pro­duced with good old hard­ware syn­thes­izers. With full mel­an­choly and angel­ic vocals this mas­ter­piece blows away over you and leaves behind a lot of sad­ness. Only as a cri­ti­cism I would note that the song could use a little more dynam­ism and vari­ety. But once you are caught in the gloom, then the song works and car­ries you away in your thoughts.

Among oth­er great bands also this track is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘Synth Pop Newcomers 2021‘.

Listen to 'Final Girl – Heiress' on Spotify

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