Franck Choppin – Don't Wanna Know

Franck Choppin - Don't Wanna KnowFranck Choppin's latest song "Don't Wanna Know" offers a dreamy and romantic melody that takes the listen­er on a mel­an­chol­ic jour­ney. The song begins with a gentle intro­duc­tion accom­pan­ied by the tal­en­ted artist 'Gülşah Brett', who adds an extra dimen­sion to the song with her voice. The use of vin­tage drum machines and syn­thes­izers gives the song a unique touch and takes the listen­er on a music­al jour­ney back to the 80s. The sound is in the realm of elec­tro pop and synth pop and although radio friendly, it nev­er loses its identity.

The vocals in "Don't Wanna Know" are melodi­ous and per­fectly mixed, but one could argue that few­er effects would have been more here. Nevertheless, the song remains catchy through­out and offers a sol­id struc­ture accom­pan­ied by excel­lent dynam­ics between verses and chor­uses. Lyrically, the song is a clas­sic with a theme revolving around sep­ar­a­tion and heart­break. The lyr­ics are kept simple, yet very effect­ive and speak the lan­guage of those who find them­selves in a sim­il­ar emo­tion­al situation.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Franck Choppin – Don't Wanna Know' on Spotify

Music video of 'Franck Choppin – Don't Wanna Know'

Lyrics of 'Franck Choppin – Don't Wanna Know'

I guess there's noth­in' left we can say
I think there's noth­in' else we can do
There's no more "me and you"
Two broken hearts
One burn­in' question
Tell me: Why the deception
You tore us apart
You threw it all
Such a per­fect love
If only you had stayed
Such an awful waste
Can't bear to dream
Of what we could've made
Yeah, I just don't wanna know
Now I just don't wanna know
Cause I can't go back no more
Oh, every time you looked in my eyes
I saw right through your per­fect disguise
The lies you tried to hide

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