Holy Wire – Phantom Nihilism

Holy Wire - Phantom NihilismThe song 'Phantom Nihilism' per­formed by the US artist 'Holy Wire' is a song that made it's way to Electrozombies after a few bumpy attempts. In the end, I decided to go for the song because it con­tains so many great music­al ele­ments from the 80s, but still sounds so inde­pend­ent that I couldn't help but like it.

I still don't like the gui­tars, but the song is great. The song reminds me strongly on some 80s synth pop / new wave tracks in a good man­ner. The song is crisp, got good dynam­ics, reach­ing the son­ic­al cli­max in the end is per­fect and the lengh is also well timed. Give this song a listen.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Holy Wire – Phantom Nihilism' on Spotify

Holy Wire about 'Phantom Nihilism'

There is only so much time one can spend alone before ques­tion­ing the mater­i­al of exist­ence. Phantom Nihilism, the sixth single released by Holy Wire, explores a dimin­ished sense of self in isol­a­tion, and what is lost when one can not meas­ure them­selves against the pres­ence of others.

After mov­ing to Austin, end­ing a rela­tion­ship, and going sober, Holy Wire’s Alain Paradis found him­self at square one, lost and strug­gling to engage with the world. “I was get­ting frus­trated at my own agora­pho­bia,” recalls Paradis, “the momentum of stay­ing inside was hard to fight.” Phantom Nihilism takes cues from krautrock and dark­wave, but opts for soar­ing melody over the dark­er timbres of post-punk. Propelled by an engine of elec­tric-motorik groove, a rising agit­a­tion coalesces into folds of noise and feedback.

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