Meersein – Mavrula

Meersein - MavrulaWith "Mavrula", Meersein takes us into the deep, dark waters of synth pop. With his latest work, this German artist proves that elec­tron­ic music can not only make you dance, but also make you think. "Mavrula" is no ordin­ary synth pop song. It is char­ac­ter­ised by a mys­tic­al aura that takes the listen­er into anoth­er world.

The song starts with a crisp beat that quickly sets the tone: Forwards, always for­wards, driv­en by a sound that is both determ­ined and driv­ing. It is this com­bin­a­tion that gives "Mavrula" its unmis­tak­able atmo­sphere – dark and ser­i­ous, almost threat­en­ing. Meersein uses his deep voice not just as an instru­ment, but as an integ­ral part of the over­all sound. The voice per­fectly com­ple­ments the sombre sound and adds an extra lay­er of depth to the song.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Meersein – Mavrula" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Meersein – Mavrula"

I got to leave it all behind once again,
listen to the voice inside..
There’s no way I could ever win,
I keep ask­ing you why?
I wish I could fix this house that we built,
but it falls down…yeah it falls down…
I wish I could keep you but my hearts full of guilt….

She is back Mavrula
Feel so dark inside
Listen to Mavrula
Got nowhere to hide…

Demons that I know sur­round me again,
fight­ing to see the light..
But I know that the dark­ness will win,
I am cursed to this life..
A thou­sand pieces as I give up my dreams,
yeah it falls down…yeah it falls down..
Another scream as I enter this place,
and she’s here once again, yeah she’s here once again…

She is back Mavrula
Feel so dark inside
Listen to Mavrula
Got nowhere to hide…

I’m back with Mavrula
She’s a deadly force
Riding here on her darkest horse
She’s deadly force

Meersein about "Mavrula"

Dive into the haunt­ing world of Meersein's latest single, "Mavrula." Explore the depths of inner tur­moil and the struggle against the inev­it­able pull of dark­ness. In this mes­mer­iz­ing blend of Gothic and Synth-Pop, Meersein invites you to con­front your inner demons along­side him. From the haunt­ing verses to the power­ful chor­us, "Mavrula" grips you with its raw emo­tion and atmo­spher­ic melod­ies. Join the jour­ney as Meersein battles against the relent­less force of Mavrula, a cap­tiv­at­ing yet dan­ger­ous pres­ence that threatens to con­sume everything in its path. Will he find sal­va­tion, or will he be forever trapped in the shad­ows? Tune in and embrace the darkness.

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