Melt Motif – Full Moon

Melt Motif - Full MoonWow, the song 'Full Moon' com­bines weird sounds with an angel­ic voice. This is a great song by the Norwegian band 'Melt Motif'. The band them­selves cat­egor­ise the song as a mix­ture of syn­thwave, witch house and dark wave. Sounds excit­ing, doesn't it? I didn't have to listen to this fant­ast­ic song for long, I loved it from the first seconds and knew imme­di­ately that it was a song for Electrozombies.

The album 'A White Horse Will Take You Home' just came out this year and already the Norwegians are releas­ing a new single that is not on it. The band is not only cre­at­ive in sound and art­work design, but also extremely ambi­tious in production.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Melt Motif – Full Moon' on Spotify

Listen to 'Melt Motif – Full Moon' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Melt Motif – Full Moon'

A mil­lion eyes make me invincible
A minute lasts and starts all over again
They are
I am
We are
I hide
I walk away

I walk away
I walk away
I walk away
I walk away

I am
A killer
I am

I am a killer on the run
And I am nowhere to be found
I hide behind a mask and no one can des­troy my face

This city makes me untouchable
The city lights shine through my eyes
They are
I am
We are
I hide
I walk away

I am
A killer
I am

I am a killer on the run
And I am nowhere to be found
I hide behind a mask and no one can des­troy my face
No one can des­troy my face
No one can des­troy my face
No one can des­troy my face
No one can des­troy my face

I am
A killer
I am
I am
A killer
I am
A killer
A killer
I am
A killer
I am
The full moon

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