Midsummer Ex – Hollywood Star

Midsummer Ex - Hollywood StarWith his latest song "Hollywood Star", the Swedish artist 'Midsummer Ex' presents us with a rous­ing track from the genre of syn­thwave. The com­bin­a­tion of catchy melod­ies, har­mo­ni­ous vocals and nos­tal­gic synth sounds cre­ates an ener­get­ic and at the same time romantic mood that invites you to dance.

The melody imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ates the listen­er and doesn't let go. The artists know how to bring emo­tion­al depth into the singing, which comes across as har­mo­ni­ous and power­ful at the same time.

Especially worth men­tion­ing are the many nos­tal­gic synth sounds that char­ac­ter­ise the track. They give the song a cer­tain warmth and a touch of retro charm. Speech samples or, for example, the click­ing of an old cam­era are clev­erly integ­rated, giv­ing the nos­tal­gia in the sound a real kick.

For syn­thwave fans, "Hollywood Star" is def­in­itely a high­light of this sum­mer. The song embod­ies the essence of this genre and offers an intox­ic­at­ing sound exper­i­ence. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Midsummer Ex – Hollywood Star' on Spotify

Listen to 'Midsummer Ex – Hollywood Star' on Bandcamp

Listen to 'Midsummer Ex – Hollywood Star' on Spotify

Waking up and drink some tea
then you take your morn­ing pills
life is hard in Beverly Hills

I´m watch­ing you into the night time
When you drive I fol­low your car
I always know wherever you are

and one day you´ll dissapear
no more pain and no more fear
lost in the final frontier

Touched by your sun­shine, found in your heart
you are my won­der love
to make them believe you is a state of art
You are my Hollywood star

go on, fake it til you make it
then you take your even­ing pills
only way to get your thrills

swinging from the chandelier
wait­ing for the final tear
and you´ve lost anoth­er year

Touched by your sun­shine, found in your heart
you are my won­der love
to make them believe you is a state of art
You are my Hollywood star

Touched by your sun­shine, found in your heart
you are my won­der love
to make them believe you is a state of art
You are my Hollywood star

Stood on the shoreline, so cold in the dark
You are my won­der love
They will nev­er find you, the one final spark
You were a Hollywood star
born to fall apart

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