Monody – A Safe Place

Monody - A Safe Place"Monody" from the USA presents an impress­ive con­tri­bu­tion to dark wave and synth pop with "A Safe Place". The song is also the lead single for the EP of the same name "A Safe Place".

The song is char­ac­ter­ised by a driv­ing march beat that car­ries the listen­er along and cre­ates a dark, sad and at the same time epic mood. The clear, dark vocal pas­sages lend the track a spe­cial intens­ity that fits seam­lessly into the dark wave / synth pop universe.

The influ­ences of bands such as Depeche Mode, Rotersand, Seabound and De/Vision are unmis­tak­able and lend "A Safe Place" a nos­tal­gic note. The song intro is fant­ast­ic, but with a length of one minute it is per­haps a little too long for a single. Despite this minor cri­ti­cism, the song remains son­ic­ally con­vin­cing and cap­tiv­ates with its epic atmosphere.

Monody man­ages to cap­ture the dark nuances of the genre and present them in an impress­ive sound gar­ment. Fans of mel­an­chol­ic elec­tron­ic music will appre­ci­ate the emo­tion­al depth and power­ful expres­sion of "A Safe Place". This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to "Monody – A Safe Place" on Spotify

Listen to "Monody – A Safe Place" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Monody – A Safe Place"

This silence – it keeps the oth­ers sane
Albeit now we look the oth­er way
And dreams to keep the chil­dren safe
But we know how there may be no escape

And free­dom – a rel­at­ive thing
Forget the human race
For just a moment
For just a moment
For just a moment

In keep­ing time
The final chance
Erase the sin
Beyond all sav­ing face
Right now this is the place
Where san­it­ies plea
Where ration­al­ity and love
Will find a safe place

Excuses – the out­cry of the weak
You must be strong for fear you’ll be replaced
Condition – a broken dying state
To con­quer now, a fatal mistake

Confusion of what we had before
We can’t ignore that final rest­ing place
A dis­pos­sess­ing to nev­er happen
No nev­er happen

In keep­ing time
The final chance
Erase the sin
Beyond all sav­ing face
Right now this is the place
Where san­it­ies plea
Where ration­al­ity and love
Will find a safe place

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