"Moral Hazard" from Sweden presents "Parted", an ambitious track in the synth pop genre. Clearly inspired by greats such as Depeche Mode, Camouflage and De/Vision, the song is characterised by its crisp, electronic sound. It immediately appeals to synth pop fans. The dark and melancholic mood draws the listener into an introspective atmosphere.
The production of "Parted" is outstanding, but after almost 4 minutes of playing time, the track loses some of its focus. A shorter single edit would have increased its conciseness. Nevertheless, the overall effect remains impressive. Moral Hazard definitely has the potential to establish itself in the synth pop scene. We can look forward to further releases from this promising band.
This song is part of our Spotify playlist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playlist is updated continuously. Follow this playlist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.